Besides for example the fairly well known Hilara infans ZETTERSTEDT and H. strobliana BEZZI, six species described by STRAKA between 1976 and 1985 are synonymized and therefore become invalid names: H. baehrmanni, H. matronella, H. setimana, H. subcalinota, H. terriphylla, and H. ...
One embodiment of the present invention provides a system that identifies a synonym with N-gram agreement for a query phrase. During operation, the system receives a candidate synonym for the query phrase. Then, for each term in the query phrase, the system determines whether the term is a ...
However, in the last revision of the genus for the region, Hu (1983) described a new species, Entodon acutifolius, from Yunnan, and placed it in subgenus Entodon. The distinguishing characters of subgenus Entodon are a yellow seta and a lack of annular differentiation [as opposed to a ...