1a :to beat with or asif with a rod or whip The sailors were flogged for attempting a mutiny. b : to criticize harshly He was flogged in the press for failing to take action. 2 : to force or urge into action : drive. Is it gung ho or gung ho? Gung ho/ˈɡʌŋˈho...
Contingent reinforcement is seen at schools in the grading system. An “A” is desirable and is a form of positive reinforcement. An “F” and failing is undesirable and is a punishment for not doing the work necessary in the class. Another positive reinforcement is when the teacher offers a...
It may seem impossible to motivate a teenage boy enough to get him out of bed, never mind to actually do something productive. Naturally, teenage boys sleep more, eat more and want to be with their friends more than they do with you; it's that milestone in their development called "adol...
Punishments for plagiarism in high school and college usually depend on the severity of the offense. If only a portion of the paper is copied verbatim or the student made mistakes with acknowledging sources, for example, an instructor may choose to let the student rewrite the paper for a reduc...
Before you start sounding negative, think about how you can frame problem points in a positive way. Instead of writing, "Tommy is failing math," try something along the lines of, "Tommy's low math scores concern me. This is an area for improvement that we can work on together." Follow...
For example, if she says, "I failed a Spanish test again. I'm so stupid. Jack used to always say that I'm a dummy," tell her, "It seems like your mind isn't on school, maybe that's why you did badly. I think you're smart. And isn't Jack failing most of his classes ...
Dig deeper into each other's lives to find out something you never knew before. Feeling like there is nothing new to talk about can put you in danger of becoming detached and disconnected, according to certified sexuality counselor Ian Kerper in the Your Tango website article "6 Ways To Be...