Whenever you make a poster or display, you have to remember to keep the design simple so that it is eye-catching. The lettering can stand out from the background if it appears in a vastly different shade or pattern than the background. Finally, remember not to put too many words or ph...
1Freedom Drawings ... Explain what the Declaration of Independence is so kindergartners and first-graders learn how the United States began. Briefly discuss the historical background -- Great Britain's control over the colonies and the colonists' desire for independence. Show students pictures of ...
1987). Use of the appendages for prey-catching is unlikely as well, because W. backesi was hardly able to feed on any prey. The organism only had a very small and roundish mouth (Fig. 4, Fig. 6) without any evidence of gnathobases, which rather suggest feeding on suspended material...
Design yourprogram covers for each week of Black History Month with scenes from African-American historyor of prominent figures in the Civil Rights movement; the covers work as colorful, eye-catching decorations. In the lobby, set up poster boards in honor of the month featuring the accomplishmen...
French braid. For a look that’s more unique, though, create a basic braid and curl it up into a topknot on the top of your head. Or channel Princess Leia by creating two braids -- one on each side of your head -- and pinning them up into buns for a fun, eye-catching look. ...
Fashion male models: These men grace the runways in the finest and most sought after threads from world-famous designers. Male fashion models must have an eye-catching face, toned body, a great walk and be able to wear anything from a casual polo shirt and khaki shorts to a suit and ti...
White print against a dark surface makes chalkboards easier to read. Whiteboards’ polished white finish can create a ghostly glare, making it difficult for visually impaired students to discern what is written. Colored markers in red, green and orange are deemed bright and eye-catching, and te...
Use color for your charts and graphs. A white poster board with black words are fine as it's easy to read. However, color will pop in your graphs. It will be eye-catching even from a distance, leading to more interest in your poster. ...
Fashion male models: These men grace the runways in the finest and most sought after threads from world-famous designers. Male fashion models must have an eye-catching face, toned body, a great walk and be able to wear anything from a casual polo shirt and khaki shorts to a suit and ti...
Sliding boxes can be used to display important information in an eye-catching manner; visitors can interact with the box by moving their cursor over the information to display a new slide or to close a box when they have read the information. WordPress features a selection of free plug-ns ...