也可以用synonym来描述一个人或事的流行程度。 例:Weibo user Xin xiaodai, the winner of Alipay’s lucky draw campaign,has becomea synonym/ byword for“ the luckiest fish”. a synonym for= a byword for 例:Ever since Bill Hewlett and David Packard set up in a garage nearly 80 years ago, ...
Wang Sicong has been a synonym/byword for “fuerdai”, the rich second generation. 这里用到了“A is a byword for B”,我们也可以把这里的 byword 用 synonym 替换:Ever since Bill Hewlett and David Packard set up in a garage nearly 80 years ago, it has been a byword for innovation and in...
+1 for !in as an infix operator. 👍 1 Sponsor Member JeffBezanson commented Mar 4, 2016 One reason to prefer notin is that it's compatible with allowing all functions to use infix syntax, while !in would continue to be a special case even if we made that change. Sponsor Member...
”– People always crave for superiority and to be better, ever since they are born. I read somewhere that when we are little we crave to b.. June 25, 2023 Human behavior Random Reflections The oldest living dog in the world The news came out not long ago that the oldest living ...
Ever since I drove the family car through the garage door and caused a fire, the word “car” and all its synonyms bounce around in my head like little pinkie balls against a cinder lock wall. I got the urge—the unstoppable feeling, the unwarranted desire to buy cars. Maybe it’s to...
Is grub meant to disgust, or is she merely British and using a perfectly normal word for food in use since 1691.The captcha asked me to click on crosswalks, but all I could seee were Zebra crossings., 29 August 2020 (UTC) ...
A.for, to B.at, at C.to, for D.with, with 点击查看答案 第8题 ___ to ask him the way? He is also a visitor.A.What ever good it isB.However good it is ___ to ask him the way? He is also a visitor. A.What ever good it is B.However...
Chinese civilization has had the tradition of cosmopolitism ever since the ancient times. 中华文明自古就有一个世界主义的传统 ,有破“国家中心论”的较低层次的世界主义 ,如梁启超、顾炎武 ;有破“区域中心论”的较高层次的世界主义 ,如先秦诸家 ;有破“人类中心论”的最高层次的世界主义 ,如张载、陆象...
both whether and whether ornot are fine, since they appear at the beginning of a noun clause used as the object of the verb asked. What does it mean whether or not? used for saying that itisnot important which of two possibilities is true: Whether or not you like it, I'm going out...
Since that postulate is often true for specific cases, the practice of stylistics can be useful and valid. The object of my attack is simply the false methodological optimism that seeks in stylistic analysis a reliable system of interpretation. That methodological hope, being falsely based, can ...