'Happy' is often used as a synonym for 'content' in describing one's emotional state.(在描述一个人的情感状态时,“happy”常被用作“content”的同义词。) 中文:在描述一个人的情绪状态时,“快乐”常常作为“满足”的同义词。 The term 'e-commerce' has become a synonym for online shopping in ...
: not emotional: such as. a : not easily aroused or excited : cold. b : involving a minimum of emotion : intellectual an unemotional assessment. Other Words from unemotional Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About unemotional. What does it mean when someone is headstrong? 1 :...
What is emotional insecurity? Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity isa feeling of general unease or nervousnessthat may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego....
Near SynonymsforEnergized Words with slightly different nuances that imply a state of being energized: Inspired Motivated with creative or emotional energy. Example: The motivational speech inspired the team to perform their best. Empowered Strengthened with confidence or authority. ...
If you desire to become more empathic, determine whether you are struggling with inattentive or unconcerned reactions and begin to learn new techniques that communicate empathy. Refrain from impulsive or insensitive responses, gossiping, emotional overreactions or impolite behavior, notes Emporia State Uni...
One main type of group home in Tennessee is for troubled youth. An example of this is the Youth Villages group homes, which have six group homes in Memphis and Nashville. The purpose of this type of group home is to help teenagers overcome emotional and psychological issues. Some group home...
counseling or school psychologists, who typically have a state license and a graduate degree in psychology. For example, school psychologists help students improve disruptive behavior and meet learning goals, while clinical psychologists help patients overcome emotional disorders and substance abuse problems...
‘The eighth circuit court of Appeals affirmed this ruling and further stated that there was a trend toward improvement; however, scores were still below the national norms.’ More example sentences 2with object Offer (someone) emotional support or encouragement. ‘there are five comm...
Associated with innocence, humility and reverence, white is a beautiful choice in funeral arrangements. Symbolic of modesty, elegance and, of course, purity, the white petals of such flowers as gardenias, lily of the valley and white roses are appropriate for funerals. ...
The phrase, 'familiar ache' meansa pain or fear that the poet has had at a point of time. It is the emotional pain the poet feels due to the realisation that her mother was growing old and pale. What is unfamiliar word? a :not well-known: strange an unfamiliar place. b : not wel...