Here is an article by Time Magazine that does a great job illustrating the “ripple effect” concept. ... This belt-tightening means fewer car sales and thus fewer jobs for car-part makers. It means less government spending on infrastructure and other public services, including economic developm...
The New Deal Program was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's effort to pull the United States out of the Great Depression. As part of it, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration was designed to improve the income of farmers and create economic stability. It was a short-lived program that produ...
A poor economy led to other problems for early America. As is often the case, poor economic fortunes led to social unrest. The most famous example is Shay's Rebellion, a crisis in the 1780s that severely threatened American political stability. Farmers in Western Massachusetts were buried in ...
Migration occurs when an individual moves and takes up residence in another location. Typically, for a movement to be considered migration, the migrant cannot return to her initial home. Migration occurs for different social, political and economic reasons and is of interest to sociologists because ...