このメタデータ型では、package.xmlマニフェストファイル内のワイルドカード文字*(アスタリスク) がサポートされます。マニフェストファイルの使用についての詳細は、「zip ファイルを使用したメタデータのリリースと取得」を参照してください。
Multiple default directories are permitted to facilitate load balancing on multiple disk drives. ACCESS PARAMETERS The optional ACCESS PARAMETERS clause lets you assign values to the parameters of the specific access driver for this external table: The opaque_format_spec lets you list the parameters...
このメタデータ型では、package.xmlマニフェストファイル内のワイルドカード文字*(アスタリスク) がサポートされます。マニフェストファイルの使用についての詳細は、「zip ファイルを使用したメタデータのリリースと取得」を参照してください。
Represents a set of synonym groups, which are groups of words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in users’ searches. You can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product
searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your organization. synonyms are available in service cloud features such as salesforce knowledge. this type extends the metadata metadata type and inherits ...
Represents a set of synonym groups, which are groups of words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in users’ searches. You can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product
searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your organization. synonyms are available in service cloud features such as salesforce knowledge. this type extends the metadata metadata type and inherits i...
searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your organization. synonyms are available in service cloud features such as salesforce knowledge . this type extends the metadata metadata type and inherits...
searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your organization. synonyms are available in service cloud features such as salesforce knowledge. this type extends the metadata metadata type and inherits ...
searches. you can define synonym groups to optimize search results for acronyms, variations of product names, and other terminology unique to your organization. synonyms are available in service cloud features such as salesforce knowledge. this type extends the metadata metadata type and inherits i...