雅思写作常用同义词替换(SynonymsubstitutioninIELTS Writing) Frequentlyusedsynonymsforwriting 1.people=individualspeople(Those,who) 2.,many,people=a,majority,of,people,mostpeople 3.,a,lot,of=a,great,deal,of=plenty,of,many(modified uncountablenouns) 4.,a,great,number,of=a,quantity,of=considerable,...
side. Embodiments discard no data, so that the subset selected is the original set that was selected. Embodiments discard 5% total or 3% of the total amount of data. Embodiments discard a fraction that exceeds the mean by a weighted value that depends upon the standard deviation. For example...
Growing crops in Russia takes special considerations. Most of the land has no precipitational influence from the oceans and therefore does not get a considerable amount of rain. There are small areas in the south along the Pacific Ocean that are almost subtropical, but most of the land is ver...
People might not take the importance of emotional intelligence seriously. As with many aspects of life, this topic is open to personal opinions and ridicule. Some people in the business world believe the workplace is no place for emotional reactions. These individuals think logic should rule and ...