Grabbers. Stranger Danger came about in direct response to grabbers. ... Granters. This would be someone with an aspect of authority over a child within the circle of trust. ... Groomers. These are usually acquaintances who are part of the circle of trust. ...
What is the use of having something to say if no one is interested in hearing it? When setting out to communicate in written form, start with a "hook" or "attention grabber" that does just that - grabs the attention of your audience. According to Professor Johnie H. Scott, of Californi...
Begin your informative essay by writing a strong hook that grabs your readers’ attention. Use a strong quote, an extraordinary fact or an evocative question as possible strategies. Other tactics include using a statistic or an anecdote. Avoid using definitions or clichés as your hook; these hoo...
such as “Basics of Creating a Thesis Statement,” try turning it into a question, “What are the Basics of Creating a Thesis Statement?” Answering this question can help you start a concise thesis statement.