If you found the random synonym generator useful, please take a moment to let us know about it. We are always curious about exactly how this generator is being used and by understanding better how different people are using it, we can improve it for others. The ultimate goal is to have ...
I know that you've got some extra time at the moment so seriously don't feel ashamed or embarrassed about not knowing a word. Take that word, write it in your own sentence, add it to the comments below so that I can check that you're using it correctly and it becomes part of your...
施工单位拒不整改或者不停止施工的,工程监理单位应当及时向有关主管部门报告。某施工合同于2003年6月5日生效,该工程于2003年6月15日开工。施工单位为现场从事危险作业的工人办理了意外伤害保险。该保险合同于2003年6月10日生效,被保险工人于2003年7月20日进场施工。该意外伤害保险期限自( )起至该工程竣工验收合格...
as thelawstandsatthe moment, it will only be the use of words indicating that the signatory signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a representative character which will be certain to avoid the personal liability to the payee of the authorized signatory on a dishonoured company cheque. ...
for example例如;D. vice versa反之亦然。根据上文“But since the 18th century, mathematicians have ___1___ that even fair coins tend to land on one side slightly more often than the other.”可知,数学家们从理论上进行猜想已经有很长时间了,再结合下文“Proving this tiny bias”和“would require...
The beginning of a story setsthe tone for everything that will happen next. An opener is like an appetizer, offering a tasty morsel of what's to come. What does the quote beginning of the end meaning? : the start of a series of eventsthat leads to the end The argument marked the be...
anger, but it's important to keep your composure, otherwise you risk making your mother even angrier. Even if you have a rational explanation or excuse, save it for later, as there's no use offering verbal counters at the moment, suggests the Counseling Center at Eastern Washington ...
Wingertshellicus backesi has no special characters that allow a solid conclusion as to its phylogenetic affinities at this time. All we can gather at the moment is that this organism displays a series of plesiomorphic characters that do not contradict a position as a stem-lineage representative...
Envision color. Close your eyes and picture the different colors of the rainbow, one by one. For example, picture nothing but red, then picture objects that are red, and return to simply the color red. Repeat this with the rest of the colors of the rainbow: orange, yellow, green, blue...
Graduation day is a key moment in any young student's life, and while nothing compares to walking across the stage in front of friends and family, receiving a card with a poignant note will be remembered for years. Once you've bought a card for your special graduate, take a moment to ...