Introduction: This introductory chapter sets the stage for the discussion of synonymy and its relevance to lexicography. It establishes the close connection between lexicography and semantics, highlighting that dictionaries not only describe the relationship between words and the world (denotation/reference)...
n.,pl.-miesfor3, 4. 1.the quality of being synonymous; equivalence in meaning. 2.the study of synonyms. 3.a set, list, or system of synonyms. 4.Biol.a list of the scientific names, with explanatory matter and location of type or types, for a particular taxonomic group. ...
Communism was a political and economic theory advocated most famously by Karl Marx. Communism argues for a socialist revolution toward creating a communal, classless state. Marx was Jewish, though his family had converted to Protestantism. One of Marx's early works, "On the Jewish Question," whi...
corporate responsibility can be broken into five areas: environmental, social, economic, relational and voluntary. Economic responsibility requires corporations to care for rather than
Legal dumpster diving has enabled freeganism to operate openly. An L.A. freegan group argues “if we throw something away, we relinquish ownership of it. It should then become automatically available for anyone to make use of.” As of 2010, there are over 200 California cities registered on...
Don't just glance at your graded homework and crumple it into a ball for a three-point shot in the trashcan. Your graded homework is a huge indicator of where you need to focus extra attention when studying. You can get smarter in math by noting the areas of your homework that get po...
keep arguments from both sides about the same subject aligned. For example, if the affirmative side argues the death penalty is immoral from a utilitarian perspective, the judge would write negative's argument that utilitarianism is a bad moral framework in the column next to the original ...
One of the more valid and constant criticisms of cooperative learning group grades is that students in a group may not have common goals. In a high school or college group, for instance, some students may want an A grade on the project and in the class. Others may simply want to pass ...
Don't just glance at your graded homework and crumple it into a ball for a three-point shot in the trashcan. Your graded homework is a huge indicator of where you need to focus extra attention when studying. You can get smarter in math by noting the areas of your homework that get po...
Students who are tracked according to ability may be stigmatized, particularly if they have developmental delays or other disabilities. A 2010 study by the PCB Foundation, for example, found that ability tracking tends to increase social segregation among students. This can cause stereotypes to prolif...