2.A word or expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another:"Romeo has become a synonym for any youthful lover"(Harry Levin). 3.BiologyOne of two or more scientific names that have been applied to the same species or other taxonomic group. ...
3Daoism Daoism originated around the same time that Confucius was alive, and in many ways it represents an alternative school of thought. In contrast to the benign patriarchy preached by Confucians, the Daoists argued for a just society of equals living in peace with each other and with the ...
The closing is the last chance the student has to make a memorable statement about the topic that will convince the reader to think or act differently, focusing on a call to action in a sentence or two that states the change the student has argued for in the essay. For example, a persu...
" which describes the history of the way in which people have traditionally thought about morality and Kant's amendments to the prevailing theories of his time. In "Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals," Kant argues against empirical reasoning for morality and approaches...
“The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” postulated that Britain’s rise to world power began with control of the seas. The United States government was also impressed by the work of Professor Frederick Jackson Turner, whose 1893 essay “The Significance of the American Frontier” argued ...
3Socialism and Zionism Hess was an associate of Marx in Cologne, where he is credited with having contributed to Marx's views of socialism. Hess was also a forerunner of the Zionists, and argued for a socialist Jewish state. Later political Zionists, notably Nahman Syrkin and Herzl, also env...
The Puritans believed in local control and opposed a powerful Catholic hierarchy ruled by the pope and his bishops. Puritans argued that the only person at the head of the church is Christ, and that each congregation should be responsible for its own members instead of answering to others. Acc...
for example, believed the “We the people” opening of the preamble of the Constitution encompassed African-Americans -- meaning they were similarly guaranteed to the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Douglass also argued that the framers, who...
Scholars Jen'nan Ghazal Read and John P. Bartkowski have argued that veiling is becoming an "increasingly pervasive practice ... among Muslim women." They also believe that "Muslim elites strongly [favor] this cultural practice," whereas Muslim feminists in the United States, at least, are sp...
the laws, however, were aimed to weaken political opposition to the Federalists in power. The Sedition Act, for instance, made it illegal to speak out against the Federalists. The Democratic Republican minority in Congress argued that this act violated the First Amendment protections of free ...