Acquire a large floor puzzle, appropriate for a fourth-grade level. Blindfold students and give each student a single piece of the floor puzzle. Instruct the students to assemble the puzzle without removing their blindfolds. Students must communicate verbally with each other, figuring out which cla...
Once you have reached acceptance of your breakup, focus on yourself and what you want for the future -- both personally and romantically. Whether it was your first love or someone you thought you were going to spend your life with, realize that a failed relationship isn't the end of your...
Think of the books in order once you've come up with a mental picture for each one by creating a story that connects them. For example, because "Judges" comes before "Lamentations," you might craft a story that has the judge passing down a sentence that makes the people from other book...
Use a large picture of your sweetheart and cut out clothes from a clothing catalog to accompany a date invitation so he knows how to dress for the occasion. Write a note on a stiff piece of colorful cardboard and cut the cardboard up into puzzle pieces so your love can assemble the mes...
the crime on the outside of the box ("car theft," for example). The student places additional clues inside the box (written on a piece of paper). Participants then exchange boxes and write down a detailed story based on the written clues and title of the crime as well as the images....
activity without sight. Have the children wear someone else’s glasses for a few minutes while trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle or read a story aloud. Put an eye patch over one eye and have the students experience the loss of depth-perception that people with one eye must learn to live...
Effective prose teaching strategies may call for breaking a longer piece of prose up into smaller sections. This separation of text allows for multiple close readings to ensure students involve their own thinking in the text as they read Repeated reading helps students build comprehension and become...
1Write the Hail Mary prayer Write the "Hail Mary" prayer on a large piece of poster board, leaving blank spaces for some of the prayer's key words ("Mary," "Jesus," "fruit," "hour" and so on). Write each missing word on a separate sheet of colored construction paper, cut out th...
or film, design an art project to visually capture the subject matter, choreograph a dance, or compose a musical piece related to the topic. Again, these projects are time-consuming and may take several months to see to fruition; they could easily be a culminating final project for a course...
Mixing a song or piece of music with an image will create a strong sensory experience for children in special education. This activity involves singing the song "Old MacDonald" and displaying images of the farm animals that are mentioned. While they're singing along, encourage children to point...