The meaning of SYNONYM is one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. How to use synonym in a sentence. Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms
The meaning of SYNONYM is one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. How to use synonym in a sentence. Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms
What is a synonym for marginal? What is the past tense of strive? What is an antonym for assimilation? What is homonym vs a synonym? What is the verb tense of "lost"? Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject...
“antonym”(反义词) “pseudonym”(假名,笔名) “homonym”(同音异义词) 发展历史和文化背景 “synonym”这个词来源于希腊语,由“syn”(共同)和“onym”(名字)两部分组成,字面意思为“相同的名字”。在语言学和词典编纂中,同义词的研究对于准确理解和使用语言具有重要意义。在欧美文化中,同义词的使用体现了语言的...
英文同义字叫synonym,反义词叫antonym,同形字homonym ,同形异音字 heteronym 等等.那么型近字是什么呢?也应该有个什么什么nym结尾的专业词语形容这类词吧?中文里形近字比如“栏”和“拦”,“粗犷”和“粗旷”.英文的形近字:corol,corrol拼写相像,发音意义都不同.再举例,personal和personnel,拼写与发音相近,但...
What are synonyms, antonyms and homonyms? What is a synonym for summarize? What is a synonym for among? What does analogous mean? What does the word similar mean? What is an antonym for clarify? What is homonym vs a synonym? What is a synonym for figurative language?
It forms all or part of:acronym;allonym;ananym;anonymous;antonomasia;antonym;binomial;caconym;cognomen;denominate;eponym;eponymous;heteronym;homonym;homonymous;hyponymy;ignominious;ignominy;innominable;Jerome;matronymic;metonymy;metronymic;misnomer;moniker;name;nomenclature;nominal;nominate;noun;onomastic;ono...
Still, the central idea is the same: All these synonyms refer to something that is positive and not bad. Synonym vs. antonym When discussing synonyms, the term antonym often comes up. While synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning, antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For...
homo同+onym名字+ous……的→homonymous同名的 onymous 署名的 onym名字+ous……的→adj.署名的 patronymic 取自教父名的 patr父亲+onym名字+ic→adj.取自教父名的 n.源于父名的姓或名字 n. anonymity 无名,匿名 an无+onym名字+ity表名词→n.无名,匿名 ...
所属专辑:Word Power Made Easy 音频列表 1 patrimony 遗产 53 2018-05 2 patronymic / synonym / antonym / homonym / homophone 64 2018-05 3 paternity / paternal / paternalism 42 2018-05 4 patriarch / patriarchal / patriarchy 58 2018-05 ...