."/usr/local/share/acme.sh/acme.sh.env" 通过以上步骤,您可以轻松地为您的 Synology NAS 配置 HTTPS 证书,提高您的数据安全性。acme.sh 提供了一个灵活且强大的方式来管理 SSL 证书,而不需要在路由器上开放端口,为您的网络安全添加了一层额外的保护。
2、通配符证书 通配符,即证书可以对所有二级域名开启ssl,如申请了pdkim.fun这个域名的通配符证书,则无...
郵件伺服器:只要一個步驟簡便地安裝 Mail Station 套件(按此下載),您的 Synology NAS 伺服器便能成為郵件伺服器,提供一如 Outlook 操作介面的網頁收信軟體,並支援 SMTP、POP3 以及 IMAP 協定。 全新AJAX 介面 File Station 2:File Station 2 採用 AJAX 技術提供 Windows 風格的檔案管理介面及功能,如拖曳以及右鍵...
You all loved my series of articles on how to use an HTTPS/SSL certificate to secure your Docker containers and make them accessible from anywhere, like my articleSynology: How to Allow BitWarden to Work Over an HTTPS Connection. And, to continue the series, today I have a new and excitin...
i exported the certificate from my NAS i get 4 files ca.key ca.crt server.key server.crt - no pem files i created a server.pem using copy /b server.key+server.crt server.pem i added the sslCert setting on config.ini and the the log says server started successfully using ssl server...
Marius Bogdan Lixandru Did you follow my step by step guide onhow to install nextcloud on your Synology NAS? Have you decided to use your own custom domain name to log into your Nextcloud? Have you already added an SSL certificate? Surely you have noticed that, if you type inhttp://you...
I only just noticed that my backup has not been running for a month or so as a result of SSL certificate expiry/failure Can someone let me know how to fix this - backing up from my home network via tailscale to a remote NAS outside the home...
Further resources: If you are making the NAS publicly accessibly over the internet, you can followMike Tabor’s guide on using Let’s Encrypt SSL certificatesas they are completely free and work perfectly.
I have a Synology NAS DS1813+ and I wish to install Nextcloud into it and I managed to do it by using Docker. Note that it will be available just in local network. Next, I wish to secure it by using SSL, however I could not do it as 443 is already taken by Syn...
I’m not sure how that would work but the call would be a tls / ssl request to for the specific script vs all normal traffic could still maintain normal path. — Issue #2 Was previously using this guide https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/Synology-NAS-Guide worked...