Synology D..Synology DS920+ 4盘位NAS硬件评测新的Synology Diskstation系列已经在几周前发布,可以说引起了人们极大的关注!以前的18+系列NAS始于2017年9月,许多用户开始
2015/10 超強即時影像轉碼、多頻道串流、家庭多媒體 4Bay Nas首選 – Synology DS415play 開箱評測 「如果您是重度的電影、影集愛好者,或家人常常為了要看不同電影吵架的話,Synology DS415play 的硬體解碼與多頻道串流功能絕對能滿足您在家庭多媒體的使用需求,而且 4 Bay 的容量,讓您最高有 24TB 的容量可以塞...
So the DS923+ can host up to nine internal hard drives (via its four native drive bays and a 5-bay expansion unit.) The ending letters/characters in a Synology NAS server’s name This part shows the tier or the server series: XS or XS+ series: These are top-tier, enterprise-class...
Synolgoy DS625slim 6-Bay NAS Revealed Synology DS625slim NAS News The Synology DS625slim marks the return of the Slim series, succeeding the DS620slim, which was first introduced in 2019. Designed for compact, high-speed storage, this new iteration brings networking improvements and retains th...
easy management interface. VMware vSphere 6 and VAAI integration helps offload storage operations and optimizes computation efficiency. Windows Offloaded Data Transfer (ODX) speeds up data transfer and migration rate. OpenStack Cinder support turns your Synology NAS into a block-based storage component...
Step 1.Power off the NAS service. Remove the RAID drives disks one by one. Important When you take disks out of the NAS, we highly suggest that you label them based on which bay they belong to. These marks will help you put them back together in the same correct way. Besides, when...
简而言之,DS420 + NAS并没有DS920 +不能做得更好,更快和更大范围。您当然要为此付出高昂的代价,但是考虑到价差大约为700元,您将获得2个以上的CPU内核,默认情况下多2G内存,并且可以在以后使用过程中增加硬盘扩展柜。另一方面,如果您正在寻找功能齐全的Synology 4-Bay,而您的预算却异常紧张,那么DS420 +是您更...
If you have a Synology NAS server, you probably already know that there are many things you can do with it besides hosting backups and shared folders. One of those is building your DIY IP-cam security system via the Synology Surveillance Station add-on package. In my opinion, this feature...
NAS写入速度 可以看到1817+读取可以跑满10G带宽,写入达到550M还是很不错的。 需要更详细的性能可以查看群晖官网的测验 【总结】 拥抱10G时代,Synology DS1817+给10G进入普通用户家吹响了号角。随着路由交换机等10G设备的平民化,越来与多的10G设备会出现...
Synology RackStation RS1221+ 8-Bay NAS Enclosure B&H # SYRS1221P MFR # RS1221+ 10 Reviews Key Features 8 x 3.5"/2.5" SATA Drive Bays 2.2 GHz AMD Ryzen V1500B Quad-Core 4GB of DDR4 ECC RAM (1 x 4GB, Max 32GB) 4 x Gigabit Ethernet Ports Show More Available in other Styles, Co...