常见错误代码:列出所有 File Station API 可能返回的所有常见错误代码 工作示例:提供请求文件操作的示例 API 工作流程 以下五个步骤且易于遵循的工作流程展示了如何让您的应用程序与 File Station API 交互。 步骤1:检索 API 信息 首先,您的应用程序需要从目标 DiskStation 检索 API 信息,以了解哪些 API 可在目标 D...
api=SYNO.FileStation.Download&version=2&method=download& path=%5B%22%2Ftest%2FITEMA_20445972-0.mp3%22%5D&mode=%22open%22 响应: 文件内容。 API 错误代码 没有特定的 API 错误代码。 注意:如果 mode 参数设置为 open 值,发生错误时响应 HTTP 头的状态码“404 Not Found”。
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Synology File Station Official API Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Chpater 2: Getting Started 1.2 API Workflow 1.2.1 Making Requests 1.2.2 Parsing Response 1.2.3 Common Error Codes 1.2.4 Working Example 1.2.5 Chpater 3: Base API 1.3 SYNO.API.Info 1.3.1 SYNO.API.Auth 1.3.2...
File Station 為 Synology NAS 專用的檔案集中管理工具。透過 File Station,您可以管理、搜尋檔案 / 資料夾、檢視多種類型的檔案、與外部使用者分享個人檔案、掛載遠端資料夾及虛擬裝置進行存取,還可進行更多管理! Synology Inc.1.4.2-1575 適用機種 FS 系列:FS6400, FS3600, FS3410, FS3400, FS3017, FS2500,...
folder_path='/path/test'dest_folder_path='/path'api_params={'api':'SYNO.FileStation.CopyMove','version':'2','method':'start','path':folder_path,# 一个或多个复制/移动的文件/文件夹路径,以共享文件夹开头,用逗号“,”和括号分隔。'dest_folder_path':dest_folder_path,# 复制/移动文件/文件...
Step 1: Go back to openFile Stationand select the desired files or folders. Step 2: Go toAction > Downloadand then in the drop-down menu, there will be three options for you –Download,Add to queue – Overwrite,Add to queue – Skip. ...
Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need.
In File Station, locate the external hard drive under "Local Drives" or "USB." Select the files or folders you want to transfer. Drag and drop the selected files or folders from the external hard drive. Wait for the transfer to complete; your files will now be stored on the NAS. 2....
Step 1: Retrieve API Information First, your application needs to retrieve API information from the target DiskStation to know which APIs are available for use on the target DiskStation. This information can be accessed simply through Synology File Station Official API ...