starten 8 Kapitel 3: DSM auf der DiskStation installieren DSM mit Web Assistant installieren 9 Mehr erfahren 9 Anhang A: Technische Daten Anhang B: LED-Anzeigen-Tabelle Synology_HIG_DS218play 2 Kapitel Bevor Sie beginnen 1 Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für dieses Synology-Produkt entschieden ...
Plus 系列 : DS218+, DS718+, DS918+, DS1019+ Value 系列 : DS418play 問題修正 修正當轉換 SHR 類型或擴充 SHR 時,若系統異常的重新啟動,可能造成儲存空間無法正確掛載的問題。 修正在系統高負載的環境下,快照複寫結束時可能導致系統異常重新啟動的問題。 修正其他問題。版本...
Toggle Dropdown I just upgraded my DS218Play from DSM6.2.4-25556 to 7.0-41890, after which many applications failed to start, especially Synology Application Service (SAS). I tried to uninstall and re-install, with and without reboot, manual install, repair, but none seems to work. ...
DS218+ 配备双核处理器和 AES-NI 硬件加密引擎,能提供出众的文件传输速度。DS218+ 支持实时 4K 视频串流,不仅十分适用于保护关键数据,而且适用于存储超高清媒体内容。 · CPU:双核,高达 2.5 GHz · 性能出色:加密读取速度可达每秒 113 MB,加密写入速度可达每秒 112 MB ...
Update 19/03/23 –Synology has unveiled a new 4-bay NAS, the DS423, in its Value Series line. The device features a Realtek ARM v8 processor, marking the latest entry in a likely expanding value range to replace older models such as the DS218, DS118, DS418, DS120j, and DS220j....
In this case of having a dead DS218play, I would be interested to move the existing 2 drives (RAID1) with data to a new NAS. I've heard there are some compatibility issues with some Synology NAS for moving drives with existing data over to a new 2-bay NAS. What are theSynology 2...
群晖DS218不定时死机 美堂蛮Ban 这款是ARM机器 rdt1296的cpu dsm7.0最新系统 开机后不定时死机 有时候十分钟 有时候几小时 死机表现为1,系统状态灯常亮2,lan灯闪烁拔掉网线会熄灭插上又会闪烁3,硬盘状态灯常亮4,路由器客户端找不到ds218也无法ping通5,死机后长按电源键无法关机,长按reset也无法重置。 有没...
Script to install Container Manager on a RS819, DS119j, DS418, DS418j, DS218, DS218play or DS118. Docker_Autocompose Create .yml files from your docker existing containers. Synology_docker_cleanup Remove orphan docker btrfs subvolumes and images in Synology DSM 7 and DSM 6. ...
You can also install DS finder (App Store/Google Play Store) on your mobile device to install DSM as demonstrated below: 1. Power on your Synology NAS. 2. Connect your mobile device to the local network where your Synology NAS is located, and launch DS finder. ...
I have a DS415play(latest DSM), with a TM using AFP and its all working ok for me, doesn't help you but after my upgrade this was the only thing that I didn't have to worry about, printing and weird colour inversions everywhere yes but Time Machine Reply User...