下載 MD5 發行資訊 所有下載 DS video (Android TV) 使用DS video,即可從 Video Station 串流影片至 Android 智慧電視或智慧機上盒,享受無窮樂趣。 下載 MD5 發行資訊 所有下載 Active Directory Server Active Directory Server 的功能從 DSM 6.2.2 起改由 Synology Directory Server 支援。您可於此處下載 DSM 6....
DS video 亦會自動取得並顯示線上電影資訊。如果您在 DiskStation 上插入數位電視棒,您便能錄製、檢視電視節目以遠端管理錄影排程。 下載 發行資訊 所有下載 Synology LiveCam 使用Synology LiveCam,您可以將行動裝置轉換為 IP 攝影機並與 Surveillance Station 配對。 這不僅可以讓您在 Surveillance Station 和行動裝置...
00 intro. this video. 介绍影片内容 01:05 OK to Install HA to retired NB of Asus K555L but Network interface can't set "Bridge" mode. (旧的 Asus NB 可安装 HA,但是网路上设定无法设成 "桥接模式") 02:50 OK to Install HA to retired NAS of Synology DS412+ D.2 but no add-on ...
在vbox上安装成功,可惜一装video station就cpu暴高,再做其他事情就说“正在配置。。。”,连软关机都不行。重启后就一直提示“启动中”,只能格掉硬盘重来。有哪位高手知道怎么回事吗?首帖:期间死了几次 最后发现是需要在ESX里模拟USB设备给DSM[68 楼] 作者: 任风时间: 2013-3-21 02:31虚拟...
The DS220+ comes with a relatively bulky external power adapter. Standard setup process The Synology DS220+ uses the same operating DiskStation Manager (DSM) operating system, which is currently at its 6th revision. Like the case of most existing servers, as old as 2013 models, it will also...
The DS1019+ has the same setup process as that of previous Synology servers. The reason is they all use the DiskStation Manager (DSM) operating system. That said, if you've used a Synology NAS before, you'll feel right at home. It's like once you've installed Windows 10 on one comp...
You could create a separate http video station application portal on a different port, meaning only the video station is insecure. I've done this for each component with audio and filestation running on https. My console is via VPN only. Apple / Android apps (DS Audio, DS Video) can con...
0 Likes Hello, I have been using my DS720+ for some time now and I can't figure out what is wrong with my setup. I have home videos on my synology that I am trying to watch through either the "Drive", "DS file", or the "DS video" app on my iphone and ipad. I am getting...
Synology pushes some common uses during setup. It recommends a new user installs Moments, Video Station, Audio Station, Media Server, Hyper Backup, Synology Drive Server, and Download station. The things Synology thinks new NAS users should have ...
The DS3617xs is equipped with four Gigabit LAN ports on the rear. These can be used directly (like a router) or configured in link aggregation mode for extra performance. The exact setup will depend on your network, but link aggregation means that the NAS will manage the connection through...