Windows 支援透過 Active Directory Server 來大規模部署 Synology Drive Client。 macOS 同步任務新增支援隨需同步功能以保留本地儲存空間。僅 macOS 12.3 或以上版本支援此功能。 在不需安裝 Rosetta 2 的情況下,配備 Apple Silicon 的 Mac 機型新增原生支援。
This can include the built-in Windows Defender. Problems caused by Windows Defender (strange behavior when using Opus)u2nyr February 3, 2022, 5:17pm 5 Yes, it works in Opus with shorter paths if it is a antivirus/defender issue, is there a way to exclude Opus rather than having to ...
系统是WIN7,如果停止同步,那杀掉就没了,再次开启同步,就又来了。一直都是提示以下路径产生的:c:\用户\admin\AppData\Local\CloudStation\\bin\cloud-drive-daemon.exeWIN10是用了系统自带的Windows Defender,这个就没提示有病毒。 送TA礼物 1楼2019-03-04 13:58回复 ...
I have a couple of issues with my Windows Synology Drive client and I hope someone can help me. Whenever I try to create a new sync task in windows drive client, it tells me "failed to enable on demand sync..." despite having the latest windows 10 and drive server on the NAS and ...
一直都是提示以下路径产生的: c:\用户\admin\AppData\Local\CloudStation\\bin\cloud-drive-daemon.exe WIN10是用了系统自带的Windows Defender,这个就没提示有病毒。 分享233 群晖吧 kaishingmo synology drive client暂停同步,一直显示连接中,这是什么情况呀~~ 怎么样可以重新连接上。这种情况...
用KeePass管理密码并用Synology_Drive或者GoodSync实时双向同步电脑桌面和群晖NAS2021年8月5日 我通常会把所有办公文档、办公表格和办公图片都实时同步保存到 Synology群晖DS1821Plus网络附属存储服务器的RAID1镜像存储池中(有数据保护和不间断电源)(群晖NAS设备主机必需存放在比较隐蔽的位置并且必需用304不锈钢厚钢板自制防...
This has been a bane of mine since I bought a Goflex drive years ago. It would appear in Windows Explorer upon system boot up and later vanish for no reason. The only way to get it back was a system reboot I now a have a Synology NAS with SMb enabled.
群晖Synology Drive重大更新:终于支持视频在线查看 可以取代网盘了 SynologyDrive家族最近迎来了一波大公测更新。本次更新主要集中在三个方面:分别是网页端的Drive和Office以及移动端的DriveApp。且还引入了SynologyPhotos中广受好评的专注备份功能,适合一次性同步大量文件。
Assigning a drive letter to a recovery partition by WStnesler 17 hours, 51 minutes ago OneDrive crashes after October update KB5044285 by stewartbholt 3 days, 4 hours ago Windows 11’s Phone Link loses the ability to remove your phone by Alex5723 3 days, 20 hours ago Can’t login...
How to install appx package (Forza Horizon 3) in another drive when system drive has no enough space to hold the package. How to Install Google Chrome on remote computer using powershell How to Install Windows Powershell 2.0 on Windows 2003 Server SP2 How to Install/UnInstall Visual studio ...