Release Notes can be found here: I've got the changed URL from (yeah, the new URL looks quite phishy but it's what i've got from the official site and the old returned...
最近有一些朋友买了群晖NAS,在内部使用都没有什么问题,然后在外网访问也有映射5000端口,通过外网的域名:5000端口,就可以访问群晖的网页端;但是他们在外网使用Synology Drive Client的时候,反馈都连接不上,…
To do this, download and install the Synology Drive Client from the Synology Download Center. Step 2: After installing your NAS, enable the user home service and launch Synology Drive Server from your preferred web browser. Step 3: On the DSM web interface, select Synology Drive; this should...
我们可以直接在Google Drive中创建、编辑和共享文档、表格和幻灯片,而无需离开它。...但是,在使用谷歌Drive下载文件或文件夹时,我们往往会遇到下载不稳定或失败的情况;在下载较大的文件或文件夹时,这一问题出现的频率更多。...针对这一问题,也有较多应对措施,例如通
It doesn't clean up properly though, the synology-drive directory can be removed. I assumed it was running from /tmp. Cannot be used to upgrade. Although maybe it can. Not tested. T Tournay Daniel@dantou Aug 29, 2023 Hi. I've trye and that's OK. Many very thanks. ...
所以如果客户端要访问Synology Drive Client,是要把6690端口给映射出去才可以,不然是访问不了的。 至于映射方式,其实有两种: 1、公司有动态外网IP或者固定IP的情况下,可以直接路由器进行映射即可; 2、假设公司没有外网IP的情况下,可以通过市面上的内网穿透工具进行映射,这个方式也很简单,适合那些对路由器不懂的人。
Installing Synology Drive Client on Ubuntu: Once the Synology Drive Client installer packagesynology-drive-client-*.debis downloaded, it should be saved in the~/Downloadsdirectory: $ls-lh~/Downloads Update the APT package repository cache as follows: ...
Describe the bug As the title says, I'm getting this error when trying to use synology-drive-client for the first time. Logging in through the web UI works fine, as well as from my windows machine. I want to ping the maintainers @jcouyan...
Synology Drive Client 和 Synology Drive 移动应用程序支持远程擦除。Synology Drive ShareSync 不支持此功能。 Synology Drive Client 3.4.0、Synology Drive 移动应用程序 3.3.0 及以上版本支持远程擦除。 客户端设备上同步文件夹下的所有文件都会被远程擦除。这包括双向同步文件夹、单向下载文件夹、单向上传文件夹和...
Access DSM solutions directly from Windows, Linux, and Mac. Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM) Synology Chat Client Synology Drive Client Synology Note Station Client Synology Presto Client Synology SSL VPN Client Synology Surveillance Station Client Mobile Applications Handy mobile apps to access ...