对于Windows 环境,可使用 Synology Drive Client 创建多达 64 个同步任务 按需同步 选项可减少服务器上的计算机容量消耗和开销(适用于 Windows 10 版本 1809 及以上版本) 通过与 Synology Drive Server 上的“我的文件”、团队文件夹和“与我共享”文件夹同步,从本地计算机上的文件浏览器进行文件访问 ...
Download on :Apple App StoreGoogle Play Look for alternatives on :Windows Store (PC) You want to download Synology Drive on Windows 10 ? Act ! Synology Inc. doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and ...
10 Replies 6909 Views 1 Likes Toggle Dropdown Sory if this post is in thewrong forum (could not find a more relevant) I just installed DRIVE on my DS216play DSM 6.2.2 which appears to be fine, Synology Drive comes up fine, and a popup window prompts to download the client for PC,...
Synology Drive Client 是 DSM 加值套件 Synology Drive Server 的桌面應用程式,讓您在一台集中化的 Synology NAS 和多台用戶端電腦之間,同步並分享您自己的檔案或他人與您共用的檔案。 下載 發行資訊 Synology Chat Client Synology Chat Client 是一項功能豐富的桌面原生用戶端,專為 Windows、MacOS 與 Linux 平台...
Synology Drive Client 是 DSM 加值套件 Synology Drive Server 的桌面應用程式,讓您在一台集中化的 Synology NAS 和多台用戶端電腦之間,同步並分享您自己的檔案或他人與您共用的檔案。 下載 發行資訊 Synology Chat Client Synology Chat Client 是一項功能豐富的桌面原生用戶端,專為 Windows、MacOS 與 Linux 平台...
To do this, download and install the Synology Drive Client from the Synology Download Center. Step 2: After installing your NAS, enable the user home service and launch Synology Drive Server from your preferred web browser. Step 3: On the DSM web interface, select Synology Drive; this should...
What is Synology Drive Client? How to back up data using it? How to sync data using it? This post provides the answers for you. Read More Synology Assistant Uninstall If you don’t want to use Synology Assistant anymore, you can choose to uninstall it. Here is how to do that: ...
My internet speed at home is quite slow (1.5MB/s download speed) but again why i am constantly downloading at 1/10 of this speed through Drive client (Quickconnect)? I need to note here that the NAS CPU is working at max 30%, so i am sure this is not down to DS120J capabilities...
You can back up Windows to NAS using a Synology drive client, but you need to download the software. You must install the Synology Drive Server on your NAS in advance to run the Synology Drive Client. Below, we'll discuss how to backup Windows 10 to Synology NAS using all 2 methods in...
我们可以直接在Google Drive中创建、编辑和共享文档、表格和幻灯片,而无需离开它。...但是,在使用谷歌Drive下载文件或文件夹时,我们往往会遇到下载不稳定或失败的情况;在下载较大的文件或文件夹时,这一问题出现的频率更多。...针对这一问题,也有较多应对措施,例如通