Audio Station is a decent application, far from perfect, I strongly desire more features found in other music players, but works ok, my suggestion: when music files are downloaded for offline use, you can choose to which folder (which is nice), but I don't like that they are thrown ...
It seems that Audio/Video station can only access the public/shared and personal music/video folders in home. It seems also possible to sync the public audio/video folders via Synology Drive, but not other folders in the personal home directory than the Drive folder. I have tried quit some...
I now want to do the same in Audio Station. But I do not see a setting within Audio Station that allows me to specify where my audio files are located. Does anyone know how to specify the audio folder location for Audio Station? Thx ...
I cannot see the same functionality to this on the Audio station. My question is, as I currently have two drives, if I copy music to the default Music folder, where will this data reside? I intend to pull the 1tb from the synology in the near future, but its not clear where this ...
syno fs listFiles --payload '{"folder_path":"/path/to/folder"}' --pretty Download Station API - 列出下载任务 syno dl listFiles --payload '{"limit":5, "offset":10}' --pretty Download Station API - 创建下载任务 syno dl createTask --payload '{"uri":"link"}' Audio Station API ...
I had audio station installed since the very day and the base folder /music worked fine. Then I realized that we will need more than 1 music folder, and so I enabled "personal music libraries" in the audio station. It's been 3 days now and I've indexed, re-indexed, restarted, ...
However, after I upgrade the latest ds station software, and test those account if they could still assess the music folder. While nothing is changed in the user permission, the account cannot assess the music folder anymore, but so strange it login to my photo folder and can see my latest...
下列服务现支持以 UPN 格式登录:Synology Assistant、Hyper Backup、Synology Mail Server、Synology Calendar、Shared Folder Sync。 仅同步变动的资料,提升域数据库同步性能。 安全性 新增可禁用 USB 和 Console 端口。 升级了 QuickConnect 以提升安全性。 TLS/SSL 配置文件等级设置中,现代兼容性选项仅支持TLS 1.3。
From DS Audio or Audio Station, any artist with a name that contains a special-character (e.g. ö, é, ä) will appear in the "By Artist" list - however there will be no content in that associated container, even though in the "By Folder" list (for folders with the same specia...
Sync Files with Cloud Station Cloud Station is a file sharing service that allows your DiskStation to become a file sync center to sync files between multiple client computers. With the Cloud Station application installed on your computers, you can simply drop your office file to a folder on ...