Thirteen of thirty-four patients presenting with Raynaud''s phenomenon were found to have subjective and/or objective signs of a carpal tunnel syndrome.doi:10.1080/17843286.1967.11716658H. KulbertusP. CollignonV. BaudinetTaylor & FrancisActa Clinica Belgica...
Leading causes of death were infections, cardiovascular diseases and solid-organ and hematologic malignancies, but any statistically significant increase in the risk of mortality was found in SS patients compared with the general population. Nevertheless, it was not possible to exclude that patients with...
A few studies investigated the molecular basis of clinical variability and severity, but these did not identify underlying molecular causes [7,9,14], although some potential clues began to emerge. Peters et al. observed that patients who harbor duplications that include the geneRAB39Bhave a higher...
Dazoxiben, a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, in the treatment of Raynaud's syndrome: a double-blind trial. 1 UK-37248 (dazoxiben), an orally active thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, was evaluated in a double-blind trial of patients with severe Raynaud's syndrome... JJ,Belch,J,... - 《...
The systemic manifestations include eosinophilia, anemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, vascular involvement (subungual petechiae, livedo reticularis, Raynaud's phenomenon), skin rash and subcutaneous edema, pulmonary infiltrates and pleuritis, cardiac involvement (congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, hea...
Patients not infrequently are misdiagnosed with collagen vascular disease, various forms of arteritis, or Raynaud's disease. However, when symptoms are unilateral and isolated to circulation distal to the subclavian artery, one should be alerted to the possibility of arterial TOS. Because there is ...
Clinical findings include a history of repeated microtraumatisms of the dominant hand, male sex, unilaterality, sudden onset, and severe Raynaud's phenomenon of the last three fingers. Investigations reveal an aneurysm or thrombosis of the distal cu...
Flu-like symptoms (headache, fever, malaise,arthralgia, myalgia);injection site reaction(haematoma, erythema, necrosis of skin); leucopoenia,anemia,thrombocytopenia,elevated liver enzymes; rarely exacerbation of depression, ofpsoriasis, of Raynaud's syndrome, of thyroid diseaseBayas and Rieckmann (2000...
Dulac O , Raynaud C , Chiron C , Plouin P , Syrota A , Arthuis M. Etude du débit sanguin cérébral dans le syndrome de West idiopathique: corrélation avec les données électroencéphalographiques . Rev EEG Neurophysiol Clin 1987 ; 17 : 169 – 82 ....
P35.11 In patients with primary Raynaud syndrome there is prolonged cutaneous vasoconstriction and abnormal vasodilatation with exposure to cold - Clinical Neurophysiologydoi:10.1016/j.clinph.2006.06.596C. Vázquez D?′azV. SantiagoG. Sánchez Torres...