Syndigo has a broad view on the markets, on the trends, on how other multinational brands like us are handing this so they can bring in lessons learned and best practices on how we can really achieve our vision. Christian Beckers Global Digital Program Lead, PXM ...
I’m a big fan of Syndigo’s UX, it’s powerful and intuitive. We have also had great internal support from the Syndigo team, I appreciate that our feedback on certain things has been solicited and overall, it’s been positive.
[#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Source and manage product data that powers irresistible shopping experiences from the world’s largest active network of vendors and suppliers. Unlock a Unified Retail Experience Only Syndigo provides the comprehensive capabilities in a single, unifie...
Syndigo provides continuous optimization that helps clients win at every shelf; control all content and data flows at every point; and leverage the largest global two-sided network in order to harness today’s exponential data growth. There’s no need to compromise…Syndigo provides exactly what ...
Riversand was acquired by Syndigo in 2021. Syndigo MDM and Syndigo PIM solutions make it easier to manage and govern high-quality data.
商标名称SYNDIGO 国际分类09-科学仪器 申请/注册号44072971 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2020-02-14 初审公告期号1703 初审公告日期2020-07-13 注册公告期号1715 注册公告日期2020-10-14 专用权期限2020-10-14-2030-10-13 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)西安市碑林区杨泽商贸部 申请地址(中文)陕西省西安市碑林区测...
Syndigo expands foodservice solutions with Attribytes. Deep nutrition data, client experience enhancements. Join us!
美国芝加哥2021年5月28日 /美通社/ -- 总部位于芝加哥的领先SaaS产品信息和聚合公司Syndigo(Summit Partners旗下的一家投资组合公司)和The Jordan Company今天宣布收购领先的云原生SaaS主数据管理和产品信息管理解决方案提供商Riversand。交易条款未作披露。此次收购扩展了Syndigo作为产品信息端到端解决方案全球提供商的地位...