database metadata数据库元数据 receive data[计] 接收数据 application data应用程序数据:计算机程序在运行过程中产生、处理和存储的数据,通常包括用户输入的信息、程序运行结果等。 extract data提取数据:从一个或多个来源中获取特定信息或数据的过程。 wipe data清除数据:指将存储在设备或系统中的数据完全删除或擦除...
辛迪加数据(Syndicated data)是什么? 辛迪加数据是指由第三方机构收集和分发的数据,用于商业目的。这些数据通常是从各种来源聚合而来,例如调查、市场研究或公共记录。 辛迪加数据能够提供有关消费者行为、市场趋势和行业基准的宝贵见解,使企业能够做出明智的决策。 举例来说,一个市场研究公司可以收集各个城市的销售数据以及...
...加信息服务的三种不同用途 一、了解辛迪加信息服务 辛迪加信息(syndicated data)是一种外部的第二手数据的形式,这种信息由 …|基于6个网页 2. 辛迪加数据 ...d database) 辛迪加数据( data) 辛迪加数据(syndicated data) 互联网 1)出版物 书籍、报纸、期刊等出版物涉及的主题多 …wenku.baid...
收集摘要的資料,當使用者按一下 [新增] 按鈕時提出 Web 要求。 摘要的 URI 儲存在本機的在用戶端電腦,並摘要服務的標題顯示在上方 datagrid 控制項中。 儲存在 [用戶端電腦] 上的摘要的 URI,可讓 Silverlight 應用程式在應用程式啟動時,取得這些摘要的摘要的資料。 當摘要的資料收集時,...
This ERD (see the following figure) illustrates how the syndicated data (sales and prescription information) is associated with a period, plan, account, contact, postal code, territory, and area. The following table lists the entities in this ERD and their corresponding tables....
creating syndicated data channels, transmitting by broadcasting over a point-to-multipoint non-addressed transport bearer channel, with the devices monitoring the received point-to-multipoint non-addressed transport bearer channels of the different syndicated channel transport networks, identifying a received...
Syndicated Data: Retail Panel Technical Name: 0CMCP_C02 Use The InfoCube 0CMCP_02 contains data from the retail panel of the external data provider. The data provider receives regular sales, revenue, and promotion updates, among other things, from retailers’ scanner data. It then ...
Run very effective mobile marketing campaigns with the Kochava mobile analytics SDK. Audience data syndication is offered seamlessly through our service.
The feed's Uri is stored locally on the client computer, and the title of the feed service is displayed in the upper DataGrid control.Storing the feed's Uri on the client computer allows the Silverlight application to get the feed data for those feeds when the applicat...