Syncthing is a free platform that allows users to create and share files with other users from around the world. this provides a fast and safe way to share data such as documents, photographs and video content with other users, while people who have signed up to use the software will also...
syncthing-android ./gradlew buildNative ./gradlew assembleDebug Once completed,app-debug.apkwill be present insideapp/build/outputs/apk/debug. NOTE:On Windows, you must use the Command Prompt (and not PowerShell) to compile. When doing so, in the commands replace all forward slashes/with backsl...
A wrapper ofSyncthingfor Android. Head to the "releases" section or F-Droid for builds. Please open an issue under this fork if you need help. Important: Please don't file bugs at the upstream repository "syncthing-android" if you are using this fork. ...
implementation 'com.github.catfriend1:syncthing-android:' 1. 这将导入Syncthing Android库。 步骤3:配置Syncthing 在你的Android项目中,你需要配置Syncthing。创建一个新的类,命名为SyncthingConfig,并添加以下代码: public class SyncthingConfig { private String apiKey; private String deviceId; public...
我这里给大家介绍一个适合 Andorid 手机的解决方案:「Syncthing」 文件同步软件。 Syncthing 我个人用了两年多,它真的是一个非常好用的同步解决方案: 它有下面这些特点: 开源软件,可以免费使用 跨平台,支持 MacOS、Windows、Android、Linux 无需注册账号,安装后就能用 ...
精准反馈,高效沟通 我知道了查看详情 Watch 1Star0Fork1 前面那方/syncthing-android 代码Issues0Pull Requests0Wiki统计流水线 服务 Gitee Pages JavaDoc PHPDoc 质量分析 Jenkins for Gitee 腾讯云托管 腾讯云 Serverless 悬镜安全 阿里云 SAE Codeblitz 我知道了,不再自动展开 ...
具有开源 DNA 的本地化平台 永久免费 无限的开源项目 最活跃的贡献者社区 受到令人惊叹的开源项目的信赖 创建一个开源Transifex账号 免费,永远 不是一个开源项目? 在这里注册 企业邮箱 用户名 密码 通过注册,您同意服务条款和隐私政策。注册 或 使用以下之一注册...
Android SDK(如果您使用的是Android Studio,则可以跳过此步骤) Android NDK( $ANDROID_NDK_HOME应该指向NDK的根目录) 转到(请参阅以获取所需的版本) Java版本8(您可能需要相应地设置$JAVA_HOME ) 制作说明 确保使用git clone --recursive克隆项目。 或者,在项...
Syncthing Android App To Be Retired Asannouncedby Syncthing maintainerSimon Frei, after December 2024, there will be no new releases for its Android app. According to Simon, two main factors drove this move. The first was thelack of contributions to the app, where only he and a handful of...
Both Syncthings must be active! On Mint: run Syncthing-GTK from start menu. On Android: run Syncthing. If it asks you to run a certain service, click OK. Below is the picture when we created two new empty folders namedSyncon both devices. ...