The Installed version of SyncTrayzor will install itself intoC:\Program Files\SyncTrayzororC:\Program Files (x86)\SyncTrayzorfor the 64-bit and 32-bit version respectively. By default, SyncTrayzor will put its own configuration inC:\Users\<You>\AppData\Roaming\SyncTrayor, and let Syncthing us...
Syncthing will report "Out of Sync" errors on peers where the underlying filesystem does not allow certain filenames that are allowed on other peers. This proposal addresses this issue. On, the issue is tied for 32nd, but was locked over five years ago, so...
chore(build): use conventional commit title in update script (syncthi… Oct 1, 2024 compat.yaml build: update compat.yaml for Go 1.24 (rc1) (fixes syncthing#9870) Dec 15, 2024 go.mod build(deps): update dependencies (syncthing#9866) Dec 10, 2024 go.sum build(deps): update dependencies...
对于Windows系统,可以直接安装官方提供的安装包:SyncTrayzor,下载地址: SyncTrayzor 是 Windows 上 Syncthing 的一个小托盘实用程序。它托管和包装了 Syncthing,使其运行起来更像原生 Windows 应用程序,而不像带有 Web 浏览器界面的命令行实用程序。 当然,官方原...
Application: Syncthing Category: Internet Description: Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared w
handled efficiently as well. Temporary files are used to store partial data downloaded from other devices. They are automatically removed whenever a file transfer has been completed or after the configured amount of time which is set in the configuration file (24 hours by default).Whyisthesyncso...
(this facility currently unused).statsPersistent device and folder statistics.syncMutexes. Used for debugging race conditions and deadlocks.upgradeBinary upgrades.allAll of the above.STPROFILERSet to a listen address such as “” to start the profiler with HTTP access.STCPUPROFILEWrite...
Now, any changes made in the~/Syncdirectory will be mirrored to the opposite server. By default, this will sync every 60 seconds, but this can be changed in the “Settings” menu. You can add additional directories that you wish to mirror by choosing the “Add Repository”... v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20190227155943-e225da77a7e6/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58...
#6430:文件夹上不正确的 out-of-sync/locally 更改状态指示 #6436:“Revert Local Change”红色按钮无法正常工作 #6440:使用 STNORESTART=1 启动时不运行监视进程 #6450:LDAP 认证无法通过证书验证处理 LDAPS #6487:单个子目录中的扫描问题阻止了双向同步 ...