On Windows Syncthing by default also creates syncthing.log in Syncthing’s home directory (run syncthing -paths to see where that is). Command line option -logfile can be used to specify a user-defined logfile. How can I view the history of changes? The web GUI contains a Global Changes ...
folder: /home/pi/. local/state/syncthing does not exist. I ran the command ‘sudo nano -config/synctthing/config.xml’ where I found the desired address, but I don’t know if this is a correct solution. Furthermore, I don’t know if my notation in the command ‘sudo systemctl enab...
I would like to request a feature to enable the special handling of hard links, namely overwrite them in-place. I am aware that currently Syncthing doesn't care about hard links, it treats them as regular files and when updating such fil...
Java version 11 (if not present in$PATH, you might need to set$JAVA_HOMEaccordingly) Python version 3 Clone the project with git clone https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android.git --recursive Alternatively, if already present on the disk, run ...
If the env var ANDROID_NDK_HOME is set, it won't download the ndk but use it. Yes, but which version 21 or 26? so we'll grep https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android/blob/v1.26.1.0/syncthing/build-syncthing.py#L28 The same happens if you put the "go" binary on the pat...
if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome set JAVA_EXE=java.exe %JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto init echo. echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. echo. echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in ...
If a new language is added on transifex that's not supported, add them to deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations in app/build.gradle. Building Dependencies Android SDK, with $ANDROID_HOME pointing to it (you can skip this if you are using Android Studio) Android NDK (you should install the ...
env HOME="/usr/local/syncthing/var/" /usr/local/syncthing/bin/syncthing --home /usr/local/syncthing/var/ 2>&1 | logger -p user.crit -t syncthing You can paste in way you want, here is example how to do itvi /usr/local/syncthing/bin/runsyncthing, click I to insert text, paste ...
* The home directory is set in accordance with the directory used in step 2. but can be overridden by setting `TEST_HOME`; make sure that `TEST_HOME` and the CMake variable `PLASMOID_TESTDIR` are set in accordance. * If not already set, `QT_PLUGIN_PATH` is set to `$CMAKE_CURREN...