“SyncSketch is a game-changer for smaller boutique studios that are looking for a cost effective tool to connect up their remote team.” Michael Chen Director and Animator Mighty Nice “Being able to jump on a call and look at the same thing together is fundamental, it’s irreplaceable and...
Компания Unity приобрела SyncSketch, создателясинхронизированныхинструментовдлясовместнойработывреальномвремени, которыепозволяютполь
Unity SyncSketch Raises the Technical Bar in HBO Max’s “Raised by Wolves.” An HBO Max show from Executive Producer Ridley Scott, which has a very high bar for visual quality in their futuristic sci-fi world, relied on Unity’s SyncSketch to collaborate on nearly 3,000 complex visual-...
SyncSketch是一家美国动画制作平台,平台可在智能手机和平板电脑端口运行,为用户提供静态或动画3D资源,包括着色、纹理和UV贴图等,为动画和游戏专业人士提供远程工作流程服务。 融资历程1 核心人员0 上榜榜单0 相关竞品17 融资历程1 导出 序号融资日期融资轮次融资金额投资方关联机构 ...
Unity 已正式收购同步实时协作工具 SyncSketch,该工具可以让世界各地的用户随时随地在任何设备上进行创作。 我们正致力于让所有人都能够轻松地孕育、分享并共筑伟大的创想,因此我们非常自豪地宣布 SyncSketch 团队正式加入了 Unity。SyncSketch 开发的协作工具简单易用,可让团队无缝地进行沟通、反馈,为项目创意做出贡献,而且...
syncsketch-unitysyncsketch-unityPublic 35 vue-right-click-menuvue-right-click-menuPublic Forked fromrawilk/vue-context A simple vue context menu component. JavaScript2 vue-atvue-atPublic Forked fromfritx/vue-at At.js for Vue. Vue11 maya-capture-guimaya-capture-guiPublic ...
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2 Team Members SyncSketchhas2executives.SyncSketch'scurrent Founder, Chief Technology Officer is Philip Floetotto. Name Work History Title Status Philip Floetotto Pixar Animation Studios,andMPC Film Founder, Chief Technology Officer Current Subscribe to see more ...
Unity a acquis SyncSketch, le créateur d'outils de collaboration synchronisés en temps réel qui permettent aux utilisateurs du monde entier de travailler ensemble où qu'ils soient.
Unity 已正式收购同步实时协作工具 SyncSketch,该工具可以让世界各地的用户随时随地在任何设备上进行创作。 我们正致力于让所有人都能够轻松地孕育、分享并共筑伟大的创想,因此我们非常自豪地宣布 SyncSketch 团队正式加入了 Unity。SyncSketch 开发的协作工具简单易用,可让团队无缝地进行沟通、反馈,为项目创意做出贡献,而且...