High specificity of ICD-10 coding for syncope at discharge from hospital or emergency departmentM.H., RuwaldM.L., HansenM., LambertsC.M., HansenM.V., HoejgaardL., KoberC., TorpPedersenJ., HansenG., Gislason
Diseases not elsewhere classified (ICD-10 chapter XVIII) including 'syncope and collapse' represented the second largest group of patients (24%). One ... HJFELDT, S. G,SRENSEN, L. P,MIKKELSEN, S - 《Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica》 被引量: 11发表: 2014年 Chapter 18 - Syncope Disease...
All ICD discharge codes from the ED and hospital are maintained by the National Health System using ICD-10 codes. Each patient has a unique personal identifier, and admission rate has been calculated as patients discharged from the ED and admitted in hospital in the same day. The period ...
●植入装置(起搏器,ICD)故障 ●药物引起的前心律失常(新的心律失常或原有心律失常加重) 心原性晕厥 心原性晕厥是由于心脏病时心输出量减少或心脏停搏,导致脑缺氧而发生. 其原因可由于严重心律失常、心排血受阻、心肌缺血等所致. 心原性晕厥的严重者称急性心原性脑缺血综合征 --- 阿-斯氏综合征 . 一般心搏...
That represents a risk of sudden death of approximately 30% at 10 years of follow-up, supporting the need for an ICD irrespective of the results of an electrophysiological study (if it had been performed). 2.- Brugada syndrome is an inherited arrhythmia disorder with a...
晕厥的概念 •概念:全脑血流量突然减少——短暂发作性意识丧失。•原因:•血压急骤下降 •心输出量突然减少 •脑动脉急性广泛的供血不足 Realorapparenttransientlossofconsciousness Syncope:↙ ↘ Non-syncopal:1、Neurally-mediatedreflexsyncopalSyndromes2、Orthostatic3、Cardiacarrhythmiasasprimarycause4、...
We investigated the burden of syncope in migraine patients and risk factors for both migraine and syncope within our University of Washington patient population.Design/Methods: The Leaf research database was used to obtain retrospective data for all patients with ICD-9 or ICD-10 code diagnoses for...
Accuracy of the ICD-10 discharge diagnosis for syncope Administrative discharge codes are widely used in epidemiology, but the specificity and sensitivity of this coding is unknown and must be validated. We ass... RM Huth,HM Lock,L Morten,... - 《Europace》 被引量: 46发表: 2013年 加载更多...
Decisions regarding ability of ICD patients to function in the work environment or at home are based primarily on subjective judgement. We have described noninvasive neuromonitoring techniques that are capable of characterizing cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen saturation in conscious patients during...
NationalDiseaseandTherapeuticIndexonSyncopeandCollapse,ICD-9-CM780.2,IMSAmerica,1997 2 BlancJ-J,L’herC,TouizaA,etal.EurHeartJ,2002;23:815-820. 3 DaySC,etal,AMJofMed1982 4 KapoorW.Evaluationandoutcomeofpatientswithsyncope.Medicine1990;69:160-175 18岁以下人群 军队资料(17-46岁) 中年人 * (40...