We help speakers, consultants, and associations expand their reach and revenue with marketing automation, virtual events, and education without adding staff.
商标名称 SYNCNET 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 15247337 申请日期 2014-08-28 申请人名称(中文) 深圳市博祯科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区茶西三围工业区第2号三楼 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 ...
它不仅可以判断出是否存在音唇不同步, 而且可以给出音频相对于视频的具体的整体时间延迟/提前. 当然这一切都是在一定时间粒度下完成的, SyncNet文章中用到25fps的检测帧率, 即可以判断几乎40ms量级的差错. 除了文章中提到的上面的功能外, SyncNet在笔者所从事的数字虚拟人生成方面还有着很重要的应用, 特别是在talk...
start_idx = int(80. * (start_frame_num / float(hparams.fps))) end_idx = start_idx + syncnet_mel_step_size return spec[start_idx : end_idx, :] def __len__(self): return len(self.all_videos) def __getitem__(self, idx): while 1: idx = random.randint(0, len(self.all_vid...
syncNET free download. Get the latest version now. sync.NET is a very fast and universal tool to create backups and or synchronize your...
【音视频自动(唇形)同步】’SyncNet - demo for the audio-to-video synchronisation network (SyncNet)’ by joonson GitHub: http://t.cn/EJR2uvX paper:《Out of time: automated lip sync in the wild》
SyncNet is a decentralized browser built on top of BitTorrent Sync and (soon) Colored Coins. You can find more detail on mywebsite. SyncNet is experimental, no security auditing has been done. Only use it if you know what you are doing. ...
SyncNet This repository contains the demo for the audio-to-video synchronisation network (SyncNet). This network can be used for audio-visual synchronisation tasks including: Removing temporal lags between the audio and visual streams in a video; ...
Syncnet helped us take our webinar registrations and templatize a system to produce a large number of landing pages for all of our events and did it for such a low price. I'll never leave as a client. They know their stuff! It's a fantastic service!
http://www.syncnet.cn 企业电话 0755-27695381,27695881 企业邮箱 sales@spacetek.com.cn 企业地址 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 宝安大道三围华丰第一科技园二栋三楼 品牌官网 工商信息 统一社会信用代码 914403006853805784 注册资本 50万元 成立日期 2009-02-25 登记状态 在营企业 核准日期 2019-01-29 ...