R.L. Newton J.L. Davidson G.E. Ice and W. Liu.Synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction analysis of proton irradiated polycrystalline diamond films.Diamond and Related Materials. 2005Newton R L ,Davidso n J L , Ice G E ,Liu W. Synchro2 t ron X2ray microdiff ractio n analysis of p ...
The paper presents the results of both microscopic and synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis of the microstructure of the dissimilar Ti-6Al-V-Mo-Zr/Al-Cu-Li butt laser welds, as well as their mechanical properties. While the thickness of the welded plates (2 mm), the power (1.2 kW) and...
Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction experiments have revealed a number of surface structures and followed surface phase transformations; similar studies of boundary and interfacial structures are cited. Experiments on catalytic metals dispersed on supports have exploited anomalous scattering effects. High-...
(μ-Raman) spectroscopy enables an easy analysis of the film homogeneity by determining the distribution of a- and c-oriented grains within the tape with a 1 μm spatial resolution and acquisition times of 5 min/spot. In addition, synchrotron x-ray diffraction ...
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction provided the phase volume fractions and their carbon content through the analysis of the lattice parameters. Dimensional measurements were obtained in situ in a quench dilatometer also used to realise the heat treatment. The combined analysis of these data provides a ...
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and fluorescence study of the astrolabeBRASS ASTROLABESMETALLURGYThe astrolabe is an ancient analogue astronomical computing device used for calculations relating to position and time of the observer's location. In its most common form (the planispheric astrolabe), it ...
Type of data Synchrotron X-ray diffraction 2D detector patternsEBSD grain orientation mapsMechanical testing (tension-compression) dataCode for data analysis and plotting How data were acquired Simulation: ABAQUSSEM: TESCAN LYRA3 FIB-SEMEBSD: NordlysNano, Oxford InstrumentsDeben Loading Rig: 5kN MT102...
摘要: The natural norbergite, Mg2.98Fe0.01Ti0.02Si0.99O4(OH0.31F1.69) is examined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis at pressures up to 8.2GPa. The measured linear compressibilities of the...关键词: Single-crystal X-ray diffraction High-pressure Crystal structure Norbergite ...
Keywords: sputtering target, precious metal, alloy target, ceramic target, rare earth target, semiconductor material, liquid crystal display material, MEMS target, synchrotron radiation, X-ray berylli
Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study of Structural Phase Transition in Ca10(Ir4As8)(Fe2鈥憍IrxAs2)5 We report on the structural phase transition found in Ca(IrAs)(FeIrAs), which exhibits superconductivity at 16 K. The c-axis parameter is doubled below a s... N Katayama,K Sugawara,Y Sugi...