1,安装完SAR后,去下载一个它的设置文件configuration file,将其拷贝到目录%appdata%\SynchronousAudioRouter下。如果不知道这是什么的话,拷贝那串文本,粘贴Windows10任务栏的搜索框里,如下图示的位置,然后点击右上角的目录就打开了。 2,导入配置文件后,打开Reaper,点击右上角设置音频设备, 3,弹出一个设置窗口,按照...
1:ASIO4ALL(为板载声卡安装虚拟ASIO) 2:Synchronous Audio Router(为板载声卡增加虚拟通道与内录通道) 3:Studio One(机架) 当然,它也可以为没有内录通道的录音声卡与USB麦克风增加内录通道。 使用《Synchronous Audio Router》有几点需要注意: 1:新建虚拟通道与内录通道的名称,不能是中文,只能是英文。 2:《Synch...
安装完打开宿主 asio里选择synchronousaudiorouter 点一下右边的设置 在第一栏选择我们的声卡asio驱动 或者虚拟asio驱动 下面点一下add name随意 type 第一个是输入 第二个是输出 我们就可以看到宿主内有虚拟的输入了
Synchronous Audio Router is a Windows audio driver which allows you to route application audio through your digital audio workstation software. It has a few unique characteristics compared to similar virtual audio cable software: All virtual audio streams are synchronized to a physical audio interface...
Synchronous Audio Router is a Windows audio driver which allows you to route application audio through your digital audio workstation software. It has a few unique characteristics compared to similar virtual audio cable software: All virtual audio streams are synchronized to a physical audio interface...
安装软件 软件可以加群 交流群:55146403 一直下一步就可以了 弹出这个选择安装 安装完打开宿主 asio里选择synchronousaudiorouter 点一下右边的设置 在第一栏选择我们的声卡asio驱动 或者虚拟asio驱动 下面点一下add name随意 type 第一个是输入 第二个是输出 我们就可以看到宿主内有虚拟的输入了...
Synchronous Audio Router is a Windows audio driver which allows you to route application audio through your digital audio workstation software. It has a few unique characteristics compared to similar virtual audio cable software: All virtual audio streams are synchronized to a physical audio interface...
Digital audio workstation software. SAR is mainly tested usingREAPER. HOWTO Once you've installed SAR, nothing will immediately happen. To configure it, either: Start your DAW (for beta: as admin!) and open its audio configuration settings. Select the Synchronous Audio Router ASIO driver and ...
Low latency application audio routing for Windows. Contribute to graham-hardy/SynchronousAudioRouter development by creating an account on GitHub.
地址在最后,建议下载v0.13.1,好了需要下载这个工具肯定是经过了一定的了解,也有不少UP主有录制使用视频,去搜索就可以了! 为了下载这个SAR还是花的点时间呢,希望有需要的人直接可以搜索到,就不要再花时间去找了! 直接跳转到下载页,可以直接下载的地址: ...