Synchronous and asynchronous data stream e.g. text, securing method for desktop computer, involves securing intercepted data stream, if intercepted data stream is secured, and transmitting secured data stream to initial destinationThe method involves intercepting a data stream to be transmitted via a ...
同步和异步有何异同(Whatarethesimilaritiesanddifferences betweensynchronousandasynchronous) Ifthedatawillbesharedbetweenthreads.Forexample,after thedataisbeingwrittenbyanotherthreadmayberead,or readingdatamayhavebeenwrittenbyanotherthread,thenthese dataisshared,theneedforsimultaneousaccess. Whentheapplicationusesamethod...
A method and apparatus for storing interleaved synchronous and asynchronous data in a single data storage file is disclosed. Synchronous data and asynchronous data are stored in an interleaved order. Synchronous data is stored at regular periodic intervals and is stored within the data storage file ...
FIELD: data transfer through off-the-air radio-link interface. SUBSTANCE: proposed method and device designed for generating asynchronous and synchronous data in compliance with general format dictating super-frame to ensure selective transfer of synchronous and asynchronous data through off-the-air radio...
Synchronous Transformations Asynchronous Transformations See Also Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data FactoryTo understand the difference between a synchronous and an asynchronous transformation in Integration Services, it is easiest to start with an understanding of a synchr...
Interpreting Data Synchronous or Asynchronous Pros and Cons Summary Introduction You may have heard of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications Protocols (such as UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter), but do you know what these terms mean? If not then don't worry for we'...
Typically, in synchronous programs, distributed tasks must wait at predetermined points for the completion of certain computations or for the arrival of certain data.3 A program that is not synchronous is an asynchronous program. Asynchronous programs impose no requirement to wait at predetermine...
For synchronous operations, the calling thread is unlocked between steps 4 and 5 above. For asynchronous operations, the calling thread is unlocked between steps 2 and 3. To choose between synchronous and asynchronous for your application, you will need to consider the amount of data...
1. 同步数据 ... synchronous area of yield 产量同步区synchronous data同步数据synchronous meteorological satellite 同步气象卫星 ...|基于15个网页 2. 同步资料 通讯协定推陈出新 车... ... 二进位描述元( Boundary Descriptor)同步资料(Synchronous Data) 非同步资料( Asynchronous Data) ....
Mining time series patterns in temporal dataset acts as an imperative function in data mining and knowledge detection mechanisms. Several authors have been focused on their research on mining time series pattern with synchronous and asynchronous periodic databases. But the downside of the researches is...