4.synchronized后面括号里是类.例如: class ArrayWithLockOrder{ private static long num_locks = 0; private long lock_order; private int[] arr; public ArrayWithLockOrder(int[] a) { arr = a; synchronized(ArrayWithLockOrder.class) {//---这里 num_locks++; // 锁数加 1。 lock_order = num...
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem属性: IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem属性是一个布尔值,用于指示当前项是否与其源集合中的当前项同步。这个属性通常用于数据绑定和同步场景中,例如在ListView或ListBox等控件中,当用户选择一个项时,可以通过IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem属性来判断当前项是否与源集合中的当前项同步。 当前...
2、关于这两条指令的作用,我们直接参考JVM规范中描述: monitorenter :Each object is associated with a monitor. A monitor is locked if and only if it has an owner. The thread that executes monitorenter attempts to gain ownership of the monitor associated with objectref, as follows:• If the en...
• If another thread already owns the monitor associated with objectref, the thread blocks until the monitor's entry count is zero, then tries again to gain ownership. 这段话的大概意思为: 每个对象有一个监视器锁(monitor)。当monitor被占用时就会处于锁定状态,线程执行monitorenter指令时尝试获取monito...
Each object is associated with a monitor. A monitor is locked if and only if it has an owner. The thread that executes monitorenter attempts to gain ownership of the monitor associated with objectref, as follows: • If the entry count of the monitor associated with objectref is zero, ...
你可以发现,不管是同步代码块还是同步方法,都和 Monitor 对象有关系。 那么问题又来了!! 问题:这个 Monitor 对象是啥呢?monitorenter 和 monitorexit 又是什么呢? 4.1、monitorenter 直接看 JVM 规范里对它的描述,地址在文末: Each object is associated with a monitor. A monitor is locked if and only if ...
老王:说起这个对象和monitor的关联关系,我首先给你讲一下java对象的结构 JAVA对象结构 老王:假如说有...
synchronized(ArrayWithLockOrder.class) {//---这里 num_locks++; // 锁数加 1。 lock_order = num_locks; // 为此对象实例设置唯一的 lock_order。 } } public long lockOrder() { return lock_order; } public int[] array() { return