resillion sync 无效的时间 sync time success 文档编写目的 Kudu对时间同步有严格的要求,本文档描述了一次集群已经使用NTP进行时间同步,Kudu组件还是报时间未同步问题处理流程。 测试环境 1.CDH和CM版本:CDP7.1.4和CM7.1.4 2.集群启用Kerbeos+OpenLDAP+Ranger 问题描述 1.如下集群所有Kudu实例异常 2.查看日志报时间...
ct=now(CLOCK_REALTIME);if(ct <min) {structtimespec ts;chardate[FORMAT_TIMESTAMP_MAX]; log_info("System clock time unset or jumped backwards, restoring from recorded timestamp: %s", format_timestamp(date,sizeof(date), min));if(clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, timespec_store(&ts, min)) ...
NVIDIA® G-Sync 是一项开创性的显示技术,可提供最流畅、最快速的游戏体验。G-Sync 的革命性性能是通过将显示刷新率与搭载 GeForce GTX 的 PC 中的图形处理器(GPU)同步来实现的,它消除了屏幕撕裂现象,最大限度地减少了显示卡顿和输入延迟。 NVIDIA® G-Sync 是否适用于所有显卡?
Gets or sets the last sync success timestamp. C# Copy public DateTime? LastSyncSuccessTimestamp { get; set; } Property Value Nullable<DateTime> The last sync success timestamp. Applies to ProductVersions Azure - PowerShell Commands 12 (LTS), Latest ...
The True Cost of Meeting Room Downtime Read this whitepaper for an understanding of how costly meeting downtime can be for business and employee success, and suggestions for how to avoid downtime. Learn More BE THE FIRST TO KNOW Get early access to the newest features and updates for Logite...
time.Sleep(1*time.Second) m.RUnlock() fmt.Println(i,"读取结束.") wg.Done() }>Output: command-line-arguments1写开始.1正在写入中...2读开始.1写入结束.2正在读取中...2读取结束.> Elapsed:4.747s> Result: Success 当写入开始时,加写锁开始写入, 一秒后, 读取goroutine开始读取, 发现有写入锁...
synchronous_commit (enum) Specifies how much WAL processing must complete before the database server returns a “success” indication to the client. Valid values are remote_apply, on (the default), remote_write, local, and off. If synchronous_standby_names is empty, the only meaningful settings...