$ dockerexec-ti watchstate console state:import -v -s home_plex -s home_jellyfin Note Now that you have imported your current play state enable the import task by using the following command $ dockerexec-ti watchstate console system:env -k WS_CRON_IMPORT -etrue ...
Planned3.7 compatibility if it is desired. I like a lot of 3.8->3.10 features so I decided to require 3.10 Jellyfin Support?CreditsPlexAniSync for Original Idea, and much of the code in this repo (notably the anilist side of things)EmbyEmbyPython SDK...
Amazon Prime I get voices out of sync regardless of setting, Plex is by far the worst offender for this so I switched to using Infuse and it does on that too, Jellyfin is also the same in that regard and Disney+ is just awful to watch with the video frames skipping all over the pla...
You can install Resilio Sync on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 server from repository mentioned above. If your server is sitting in the cloud, then you need to set up reverse proxy in order to access the Web UI because the Web UI listens on local host only. Once the reverse proxy is configured,...
firefoxopenvpnplexrtorrentqbittorrenttransmissionhandbrakesyncthingcalibreembydelugefilebrowserresilio-syncmkvtoolnixwireguardwinrarjdownloader-2jellyfincode-serverlibrespeed UpdatedNov 9, 2021 installs resilio sync on raspberry pi raspberry-piresilio-sync
python docker trakt sonarr plex imdb plex-media-server beautifulsoup radarr imdb-webscrapping trakt-tv beautifulsoup4 jellyfin overseerr jellyseerr Resources Readme Activity Stars 41 stars Watchers 2 watching Forks 3 forks Report repository Releases 9 v0.5.1 Latest Oct 2, 2024 + 8 relea...
You may use this to download media you have purchased from Bandcamp to a local media server, such as Plex or Jellyfin. Most media items purchased on Bandcamp have high quality download options available and BandcampSync defaults to flac. When called, bandcampsync will: Authenticate to bandcamp....
适合中国大陆的 Scoop buckets 代理镜像库。从多个开源 bucket 仓库同步更新,包含应用 1.6w+。 - scoop-proxy-cn/sync-sources.txt at main · CoderL98/scoop-proxy-cn
Music player capable of playing local audio or from Youtube, Spotify and many more moosync.app Topics electron javascript radio music sass spotify youtube typescript music-player vue discord soundcloud lastfm emby radio-station tidal plex-client subsonic-client jellyfin-client Resources Readme ...
PlexMany✔️❌❌❌ ProxerGerman, English✔️✔️❌✔️ Q1NPortuguese✔️✔️❌✔️ ShindenPolish✔️✔️❌✔️ SovetRomanticaRussian❌✔️❌❌ tioanimeSpanish✔️✔️❌✔️ ToonAnimeFrench✔️✔️❌✔️ ...