Step 2:Add iCloud Photos and Google Photos to MultCloud. To add a cloud, click “Add Cloud” and its icon. Then log in to its account to let MultCloud access your files or photos. Add Google Photos and iCloud Photos Step 3:Select “Cloud Sync” in the left sidebar and choose the ...
Another way to sync photos between iCloud accounts is to use the download-and-upload method. Specifically, you can sign in to your first iCloud account on the web if you are using a Window computer, then download the photos you want to move. If you are using Mac, you can directly go...
• Sync 2 Google accounts SYNC ANY IPHONE ACCOUNT: • Choose to sync all of your iPhone contacts, or choose to sync contacts from a specific iPhone account, such as iCloud, a local iPhone address book, Outlook, or a CardDAV account ...
• Sync 2 Google accounts SYNC ANY IPHONE ACCOUNT: • Choose to sync all of your iPhone contacts, or choose to sync contacts from a specific iPhone account, such as iCloud, a local iPhone address book, Outlook, or a CardDAV account ...
• Sync 2 Google accounts SYNC ANY IPHONE ACCOUNT: • Choose to sync all of your iPhone contacts, or choose to sync contacts from a specific iPhone account, such as iCloud, a local iPhone address book, Outlook, or a CardDAV account ...
• Sync 2 Google accounts SYNC ANY IPHONE ACCOUNT: • Choose to sync all of your iPhone contacts, or choose to sync contacts from a specific iPhone account, such as iCloud, a local iPhone address book, Outlook, or a CardDAV account ...
Hi, if I enable sync for photos on my iPhone with both iCloud and Google photos, will there be any issue? Here are my main concerns. If I keep optimize storage turned on for iCloud, then the original quality goes to iCloud and only lower quality stays back on my device, right?
I am facing a problem with photos and iCloud synchronisation. I deleted some photos from Google photos and the same photos were deleted from (Apple) photos library. (It is what it is…). Then iCloud got synchronised in a version without the deleted photos. So right now the last version...
• Sync Google with iPhone • Sync Outlook with iPhone • Sync 2 Google accounts SYNC ANY IPHONE ACCOUNT: • Choose to sync all of your iPhone contacts, or choose to sync contacts from a specific iPhone account, such as iCloud, a local iPhone address book, Outlook, or a CardDAV ...
• Eliminate duplicates at and sync to remove from Mac SYNC HISTORY: • Monitor the results of the current sync, and review the results of the last 100 synchronizations COMPATIBILITY: • Compatible with iCloud, Google Apps, Exchange Server, SSO LANGUAGES: • English,...