To deploy an updated version of the sync app for Windows, run the following command using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager:Copy Execute <pathToExecutable>\OneDriveSetup.exe /update /restart Where pathToExecutable is a location on the local computer or an accessible network share and ...
The Sync desktop application is available for Windows and Mac operating systems. When you install Sync on your computer the app will create a special Sync folder. The Sync folder works just like any other folder, and provides the following features: File
Install the OneDrive sync app for Windows. (For information on the builds that are being released, and on the download builds, seerelease notes.) Installing the sync app downloads the .adml and .admx files. Browse to%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\\*BuildNumber*\adm\(forper-machine sync ...
Configure sync on Windows Configure sync on Mac Allow syncing only on specific domains Work with OneDrive web app when offline Advanced sync settings Sharing Security and access control Version history Compliance Content services Search Advanced
Note:If you sign in to OneDrive with a work or school account, starting January 1, 2022, support for this application will be aligned with the Windows support lifecycle. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 are in extended support until January 10, 2023. Windows 8 re...
Using the OneDrive sync app with non-persistent environments requires that you install the sync app per machine. For Windows Server, the SMB network file sharing protocol is also required. The OneDrive sync app is supported in a remote app scenario hosted as a Citrix Virtual App. The OneDrive...
Guilds of WoW Sync App manages your in-game addon and handles all data traffic bidirectionally. This application is built for guild managers. - Sync client is Guilds of WoW desktop application for allowing synchronization of GoW data to WoW and vice v
OneDrive for Windows Important: Support for the old OneDrive sync app (Groove.exe) has ended. Starting on February 1, 2021, you'll no longer be able to sync your OneDrive and Shared Libraries using the old OneDrive app (Groove.exe). ...
SyncOpApp is a cooperative tool for musicians for syncing a live musical session between devices connected using the same network. One device is the leader and the rest are followers which are discovered automatically by the leader. The leader maintain
要在Windows或MAC电脑上运行GoodSync for WD,您至少需要一台本地可访问的WD设备或一台用GoodSync帐户注册的远程WD设备。 安装GoodSync 选择源文件夹和目标文件夹 2. 选择源文件夹和目标文件夹 GoodSync将列出本地网络上发现的所有WD设备、用GoodSync帐户注册的所有远程WD设备或计算机以及流行的云服务提供商。