1.启动SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS),连接到SQL Server服务器。 2.新建一个查询,输入并运行一下SQL脚本: USE[master] GO IFEXISTS(SELECTnameFROMsys.databasesWHEREname='SyncDB') DROPDATABASESyncDB CREATEDATABASE[SyncDB] GO USE[SyncDB] GO CREATETABLE[dbo].[Products]( [ID][int]NOTNULL, [Name]...
Microsoft.Synchronization; using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data; using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe; // Create the Sync Agents SyncAgent syncAgent1 = new SyncAgent( "SQL CE 1 Connection String", "SQL CE 2 Connection String", new SyncOptions()); // Synchronize the databases syncAg...
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers@2020-08-01-preview' = { parent: resourceSymbolicName name: 'string' properties: { databaseName: 'string' databaseType: 'string' password: 'string' serverName: 'string' sqlServerDatabaseId: 'string' syncAgent...
Sync data of Table A between SQL Server 1 and SQL Server 2 John Pike1Reputation point Sep 1, 2023, 3:25 AM One is live and SQLSVR2 is a backup. From time to time, I may need to switch them so I am writing a sync application that uses ADO .Net to read the modified/new...
When you install the SQL Data Sync agent you can connect to the local SQL Server instance (on-premise) with a local Windows user or a SQL login. To demonstrate that SQL Data Sync does not support AAD authentication, you can read here that Azure SQL Databases that were created to support...
as an additional info, the following event appears in the sql server error logs while sql server tries to sync databases after the replica restart: Try to run the cluster validation wizard to see if the configuration for the windows cluster is OK. is quite weir to have these e...
Sync database between databases Sync data between databases Sync data from on-premises Update sync schema Azure Resource Manager Code samples Azure Resource Graph queries Try Azure SQL Database free with Azure free account (old offer) Azure SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) SQL Server on ...
each of the them is counted as one endpoint) if there is only one sync group. If you have more than one sync group the total number of endpoints across all sync groups cannot exceed 30. There is another point to note, if you have databases participating from on-premises SQL Server insta...
Azure SQL Data Sync allows users to synchronize data between Azure SQL Databases and SQL Server databases in one-direction or bi-direction. This feature was first introduced in 2012. By that time, people didn't host a lot of large databases in Azure. Some size limitations were applied when ...
To configure the Data Sync Agent so you can sync data with one or more SQL Server databases, see Add a SQL Server database.Data Sync Agent FAQWhy do I need a client agentThe SQL Data Sync service communicates with SQL Server databases via the client agent. This security feature prevents ...