That they find each other fun and stimulating is indicated by his Jupiter conjunct her Jupiter/Moon/Mars: all located in the 4th house of the home denotes an expansive or large family of abundance – they have, as noted already, six children, three adopted, and vast homes in LA, France,...
Several planets or an axis from partner A's horoscope in a particular house in the chart of partner B will emphasise these themes for the latter. Aspects between the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) or Social Planets (Jupiter and Saturn) of one partner and the outer...
partner’s Saturnthe anticision degrees of Venus-Moon tightly conjunct her Sun/Moon midpoint; in two cases of married couples with no Sun-Moon interaspects nor Sun/Moon midpoint contacts, solstice Venus and solstice Mars, respectively made tight conjunctions to Sun/Moon midpoints; tight ...
Going back to that valentine/NN DW. this is the full extent of it that (i believe) made IQ say what he did! I hope i'm not misquoting him now my valentine 21' cancer my moon 19' aries my venus 21' aries my mars 21' taurus ...
My sense is that this consideration of harmony between the luminaries is more important in synastry than the natal chart. I believe that harmony between the Sun and Moon in a natal chart is symbolic of harmony between the sexes and/or parents. Perhaps co-presence, trines, and sextiles are...
The 7th house in astrology is known as the house of partnerships and relationships. It represents how we relate to others, our approach to committed partnerships, and our ideals of balance and harmony in love and partnerships. The 7th house reflects the qualities we seek in a partner and the...