Synaptics Touchpad Driver, free download. Synaptics Touchpad Driver 15.1.22: Drivers for your laptop touchpad.
The driver package provides the installation files for Synaptics Touchpad Driver for Windows 10 64-bit system. If you consider updating this driver package by Driver Genius, all you need to do is clicking the Update button beside this driver update. Driver Genius will install the drive...
本文标签:Windows8, 优化, 升级, 手势, 方便, 硬件, 笔记本, 系统, 触摸, 驱动, 鼠标 流行热度:已超过 - 人围观了本文 生产日期:异次纪元 13年01月10日 - 21时30分20秒 文章链接: [复制] (转载时请注明本文出处及文章链接)上...
适应硬件:HP惠普Compaq NC/NX系列笔记本电脑 驱动说明 HP惠普Compaq NC/NX系列笔记本电脑触摸板驱动(Synaptics Touchpad Driver)最新8.2.4 L简体中文版For Win2000/XP(2006年4月21日发布)该Synaptics Touchpad Driver适用HP Compaq NC6100/6200/4200、NX6100系列等笔记本电脑型号纠错 ...
Synaptics Touchpad Driver - Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 Synaptics Touchpad Driver IN2THP42WW5.exe 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 下載 查看校驗和 內容描述 Sy...
Synaptics Touchpad Driver - Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 Synaptics Touchpad Driver IN2THP42WW5.exe 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 下載 查看校驗和 內容描述 Sy...
Synaptics driver update for Synaptics SMBus TouchPad
bootup touchpad 2) download the intel io chip set drivers for windows 8.1. run the setup for the driver in "compatibility mode" and install. you will need to restart the computer. the computer will then recognize the track pad as a valid device. then download and install the synaptics...
Synaptics Touchpad Driver - Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 Synaptics Touchpad Driver IN2THP42WW5.exe 31.3 MB Windows 7 (32 位元) Windows 7 (64 位元) 08 Dec 2010 推薦 下載 查看校驗和 內容描述 Sy...