日志包括数据源详细信息,以及错误代码和故障状态(暂时或永久),这些信息可用于跟踪数据源引入流程。 用户可以识别使用错误(永久性错误请求),并处理暂时性故障的重试。 对于使用 SDK、数据连接和连接器将排队的引入内容引入到引入终结点,引入日志受支持
消息:Error calling the endpoint '%url;'. Response status code: '%code;' 原因:某个根本性问题(例如网络连接问题、DNS 失败、服务器证书验证问题或超时)导致请求失败。 建议:使用 Fiddler/Netmon/Wireshark 验证请求。 使用Fiddler 若要使用Fiddler创建受监视 Web 应用程序的 HTTP 会话,请执行以下步骤: ...
the input's shape is [1, -1, -1, -1]; the filter's channels is 3, the filter's shape is [96, 3, 4, 4]; the groups is 1, the data_format is NCHW. The error may come from wrong data_format
錯誤碼:HttpSourceUnsupportedStatusCode訊息:Http source doesn't support HTTP Status Code '%code;'. 原因:當 Azure Data Factory 要求 HTTP 來源,卻收到非預期的狀態碼時,就會發生此錯誤。 建議:如需 HTTP 狀態碼的詳細資訊,請參閱本文件。相關內容...
消息:Error calling the endpoint '%url;'. Response status code: '%code;' 原因:某个根本性问题(例如网络连接问题、DNS 失败、服务器证书验证问题或超时)导致请求失败。 建议:使用 Fiddler/Netmon/Wireshark 验证请求。 使用Fiddler 若要使用Fiddler创建受监视 Web 应用程序的 HTTP 会话,请执行以下步骤: ...
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Topic :: Communications :: Chat", ] include = [ { path = "AUTHORS.rst", format = "sdist" }, { path = "book.toml", format = "sdist" }, { path = "changelog.d", format = "sdist" }, ...
Description For some versions of matrix-synapse we're getting the following error in our homeserver-logs. We didn't noticed any issues while using the service at all, everythin was running fine except for the presence-status since the in...
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } } server { listen 8448 ssl default_server; listen [::]:8448 ssl default_server; server_namematrix.example.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.example.com/fullchain.pem; ...