User Settings UserMobileOfflineProfileMembership View ViewAsExampleQuestion Virtual Connector Data Source Virtual Entity Metadata Virtual Entity Data Provider Virtual Table Column Candidate Web File Web Link Web Link Set Web Page Web Page Access Control Rule Web Resource Web Role Web Template Web Wizard...
The following table lists the messages for the Synapse Link Schedule (synapselinkschedule) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.
庨玉平亙丟件玄 嶱逃晟惤 玄疋永弁 扔奶件奶件 Azure 庨 失奈平氾弁民乓 嶱逃 Azure 卞勾中化悝 玄仿皮伙扑亙奈氾奴件弘 伉末奈旦 禾奈正伙o蹋失市它件玄 仇及玄疋永弁及珨窒反 C迮楹偈匹 I燴今木化中月 鷅洃洶═磥牏飽
日志包括数据源详细信息,以及错误代码和故障状态(暂时或永久),这些信息可用于跟踪数据源引入流程。 用户可以识别使用错误(永久性错误请求),并处理暂时性故障的重试。 对于使用 SDK、数据连接和连接器将排队的引入内容引入到引入终结点,引入日志受支持
[user_or_group]; Additionally, when you assign a user to Synapse Administrator RBAC role, they automatically gain full access to all dedicated SQL pools within that workspace. It allows them to perform any action (including managing permissions) across all databases. In Addition, when a user ...
Add a status attribute to structured log events for user and role related log events. This attribute indicates if the event was a CREATE, DELETE, or MODIFY operation. (#3363) Update Cell.getLogExtra() to prefer using the user key from the task scope before using the sess key from the ...
Use user-defined database roles instead. Logins cannot be added to the sysadmin fixed server role. Granting the CONTROL SERVER permission approximates membership in the sysadmin fixed server role. Some statements require multiple permissions. For example, to create a table requires the CREATE TABLE ...
ASimUserManagementActivityLogs ASimWebSessionLogs ATCExpressRouteCircuitIpfix ATCMicrosoftPeeringMetadata ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata AUIEventsAudit AUIEventsOperational AVNMConnectivityConfigurationChange AVNMIPAMPoolAllocationChange AVNMNetworkGroupMembershipChange AVNMRuleCollectionChange AVSSyslog AWSCloudTrail AWSCloudWa...
Id přiřazení roleřetězecID přiřazení role pro tuto událost. SourceSystemřetězecTyp agenta, který událost shromáždil. NapříkladOpsManagerpro agenta pro Windows buď přímé připojení, nebo Operations Manager,Linuxpro všechny agenty linuxu neboAzurepro Azure Dia...