Microsoft Fabric에서 Synapse Real-Time Analytics의 새로운 기능과 계획된 기능을 확인하세요. 패브릭 Synapse Real-Time Analytics 릴리스 계획 또는 로드맵
Today, to further harness the power of data within gaming, PlayFab and Real-Time Analytics (RTA) Database are unveiling a new integration, designed to equip creators with powerful near real-time analytics. We know that creators have table stakes needs for their game data to unlo...
Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) with DirectQuery allows you to create dynamic reports based on data and metrics you already have in Azure Synapse Analytics. With DirectQuery, queries are sent back to your Azure Synapse Analytics in real time as you explore the data. Real-ti...
FLOATreal INT32int INT64bigint INT96datetime2 FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAYbinary 二元的UTF8nvarchar 二元的STRINGnvarchar 二元的ENUMnvarchar 二元的UUIDuniqueidentifier 二元的DECIMALdecimal 二元的JSONnvarchar(MAX) 二元的BSONvarbinary(MAX) FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAYDECIMALdecimal ...
opportunity for all investigators and data enthusiasts to learn about the new portfolio in a fun and engaging way. Get ready to put your detective skills to the test as we present you with a thrilling game that will unlock the secrets of the KQL Database and...
Real-time analytics can help you make quick decisions and perform automated actions based on current insights. It can also help you deliver enhanced customer experiences. This solution describes how to keep Azure Synapse Analytics data pools in sync with operational data changes in M...
Azure Synapse Analytics 是一种基于云的强大企业数据仓库 (EDW) 解决方案,旨在利用大规模并行处理 (MPP) 的计算能力,对 PB 级数据快速执行查询,是大规模数据分析的理想平台。 借助SQL Server 2022 上提供的准实时分析功能,可以使用 Azure Synapse Link for SQL 将数据复制到专...
Azure Synapse Link: This component allows you to connect to Azure Cosmos DB. You can use it to perform near real-time analytics over the operational data stored in an Azure Cosmos DB database. Azure Synapse Studio: This element is a web-based IDE that can be used centrally to work with...
Ingest streaming data using Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Synapse Analytic - Training Azure Stream Analytics provides a real-time data processing engine that you can use to ingest streaming event data into Azure Synapse Analytics for further analysis and reporting....
nvarchar Sträng, tecken[] real Enstaka rowversion Byte[] smalldatetime Datum/tid smallint Int16 smallmoney Decimal sql_variant Objekt text Sträng, tecken[] time TimeSpan timestamp Byte[] tinyint Int16 uniqueidentifier GUID varbinary Byte[] varchar Sträng, tecken[] xml StringFör...