現在、財務と運用のエンティティと Azure Synapse Link には次の制限があります。 今後のロードマップの詳細や製品チームとの連絡をご希望の方は、Viva Engage グループ aka.ms/SynapseLinkforDynamics のプレビュー に参加してください。変更追跡を有効にすると、"選択されたエンティティが検証ル...
Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse 先前被稱為匯出至資料湖。 服務的重新命名已在 2021 年 5 月生效,並將繼續匯出資料至 Azure Data Lake Storage 以及 Azure Synapse Analytics。 從 2023 年 9 月開始,Azure Synapse Link 您還可以從 Dynamics 365 Finance 和營運應用程式中選擇資料。 並非所有整合模式都受財...
使用Data Lake 创建 Azure Synapse Link 高级配置设置 使用Azure 托管标识 在Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse 中选择财务和运营数据 Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse 疑难解答指南 接收Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse 通知 从旧数据集成服务中转换 关于Azure Synapse Link 的常见问题解答 ...
엔터티 및 Azure Synapse Link에는 몇 가지 제한 사항이 있습니다. 예정된 로드맵에 대해 자세히 알아보고 제품 팀과 계속 연락하려면프리뷰 Viva Engage 그룹 aka.ms/SynapseLinkforDynamics에 가입하세...
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Use theFully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)of the server in connection strings for your clients (<server>.database.windows.net / <server>.sql.azuresynapse.net).Any login attempts made directly to the IP address or using the private link FQDN (<server>.privatelink...
Today, we are excited to announce the release of a new set of .NET APIs for massively scalable machine learning as part of the v0.10 release of SynapseML. This allows you to author, train, and use any SynapseML model from C#, F#, or other languages in the .NET family with our .NET...
Azure Synapse Analytics, the limitless analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics, was identified as the ideal solution to MultiChoice’s needs. Delivering insights up to 14 times faster and for up to 94% less than other cloud provi...
Welcome to the Azure Synapse December 2021 update! As we end 2021, we’ve got a few exciting updates to share about Apache Spark in Synapse and Data...