Define synapse. synapse synonyms, synapse pronunciation, synapse translation, English dictionary definition of synapse. synapse n. The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell. intr.v. syn
:the point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another synapse 2 of 2 verb synapsed;synapsing intransitive verb 1 :to form a synapse 2 :to come together insynapsis Examples ofsynapsein a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web ...
/ˈsɪnæps/ (biology) a connection between two nerve cells Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. Word Origin Questions about grammar and vocabulary? Find the answers withPractical English Usageonline, your indispensable guide to problems in English. ...
A synapse is the tiny gap across which a nerve cell, or neuron, can send an impulse to another neuron. When all your synapses are firing, you're focused and your mind feels electric.Synapse is not an old word. It was coined in an 1897 physiology textbook, from the Greek sun- "...
The synapse is the entire junction betweenneurons, including the pre-synaptic neuron's axon terminal, the synaptic cleft, and the dendrite of the post-synaptic neuron, across which communications flow, usually in the form of neurotransmitter molecules secreted by the pre-synaptic neuron (on its ax...
The neurotransmitter then either excites or inhibits the postsynaptic neuron. Excitation leads to the firing of an action potential while inhibition prevents the propagation of a signal. Electrical Synapses In electrical synapses, twoneuronsare connected by specialized channels known as gap junctions. ...
Definition Synapse is a specialized zone of contact between neurons, or a neuron and another excitable cell (e.g. a muscle cell), across which impulses are transmitted via synaptic transmitter molecules. Synapses consist of the presynaptic axon, and the postsynaptic target (axon, soma, dendritic ...
Synaptic Transmission Definition Synaptic transmissionis a process that occurs at the chemical synapse and comprises a few key steps, including: An action potential reaches the terminal button of the presynaptic neuron The terminal button opens calcium ion channels, which allows for thesynaptic vesicles...
Barber-Westin, in Noyes' Knee Disorders: Surgery, Rehabilitation, Clinical Outcomes (Second Edition), 2017 Synapses A synapse is the gap between a neuron and another cell (Fig. 40-6). Synapses may form between two neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell. In a typical synapse, ...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. excitatory synapse A synapse which, on activation, increases the likelihood of an action potential on the post-synaptic neuron or increases the frequency of firing of the post-synaptic neuron....