SymRKSUMMARY Heterotrimeric G proteins, comprised of Gα, Gβ and Gγ subunits, influence signaling in most eukaryotes. In metazoans, G proteins are activated by G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR)‐mediated GDP to GTP exchange on Gα; however, the role(s) of GPCRs in regulating plant G‐...
分类号密级华中农业大学硕士学位论文百脉根泛素连接酶SIE3对共生受体Sym RK调控机制的研究Regul ati onm echani smof E3l i agaseSIE3 forreceptorki naseSym RKi nLotusJ aponi cus研究生付伟伟学号2011304110007指导教师张忠明教授指导小组赵斌教授梁运祥教授何正国教授林拥军教授李友国教授专业:微生物学获得学位名称:...
Symbiosis receptor kinase (SYMRK) is a cell membrane-localized protein kinase containing extracellular malectin-like domain (MLD) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains, which is critically required for both root nodule symbiosis (RNS) and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS). SYMRK is widely dist...
共生受体类似激酶基因SYMRK(symbiosisreceptor-like kinase,SYMRK)起到极其关键的作用.本研究从豆科植物出发,克隆到山黧豆LsSYMRK基因,探讨了茄科植物烟草和矮牵牛菌根形成过程中相关基因的表达变化,同时在菌根植物和非菌根植物中通过转基因技术,过量表达LsSYMRK或用针对SYMRK的RNAi手段来探讨SYMRK基因的功能.还对烟草...
Lotus japonicus E3 Ligase SEVEN IN ABSENTIA4 Destabilized the Symbiosis Receptor-Like Kinae SYMRK and Negatively Regulates Rhizobial Infection.Lotus japonicus E3 Ligase SEVEN IN ABSENTIA4 Destabilized the Symbiosis Receptor-Like Kinae SYMRK and Negatively Regulates Rhizobial Infection.The Lotus japonicus...
ChemInform Abstract: ORBITALSYMMETRISCH VERBOTENE RK.rearrangementsNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.197313152BERSON JEROME A.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHChemischer Informationsdienst
近日,随着《原神》游戏的火爆,相关的周边内容也层出不穷,其中,申鹤这一角色更是备受玩家们的喜爱。为了满足广大玩家的需求,许多视频平台纷纷推出了关于申鹤的精彩内容。其中,奶盖黄XMANHD的免费在线观看更是引起了广泛关注,成为了玩家们讨论的热点。 在《原神》中,申鹤是一位非常独特的角色。她以其优雅的外貌和强大...
During the establishment of symbiosis in legume roots, the rhizobial Nod factor signal is perceived by the host cells via receptor-like kinases, including SymRK. The NODULE INCEPTION (NIN) gene in Lotus japonicus is required for rhizobial entry into root cells and for nodule organogenesis. We ...
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