Dyspepsia is name used to describe a variety of symptoms arising in the stomach, which include burning, stomach pain, indigestion, upset stomach, fullness, bloating, distended stomach, etc. It is estimated that each year at least one quarter of the population has symptoms related to stomach, ...
Upset stomach and vomiting Frequent peeing Unexplained weight loss (despite eating and often feeling hungry) Feeling tired or weak for no reason Vision changes Heavy, labored breathing (your doctor may call this Kussmaul respiration) Repeated infections of your skin, urinary tract, or vagina Mood ch...
Indigestion or upset stomach is a symptom of another problem. Treatment for indigestion depends on the underlying cause. Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Upset stomach or belly pain When a child has a migraine, they may look pale, feel dizzy, and have blurry vision, fever, and an upset stomach. A small number of children's migraines include digestive symptoms, such as vomiting, that happen about once a month. ...
Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a loved one. When anxiety symptoms compromise daily life functions, that's when it’s classified as one of several anxiety disorders identifie
Symptoms of Stomach Bleeding Some symptoms of an internal stomach bleed are more subtle than others. Subtle symptoms may include an upset stomach, abdominal pain, dizziness, and weight loss. Treatment for Stomach Bleeding Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson ...
Stomach Upset, Discomfort, Distress, Queasy anxiety symptoms: anxiety can cause a variety of stomach related problems from minor to major upset. Learn more. Gasping For Air and Anxiety Gasping for air is a common anxiety symptom, especially for anxiety and panic attacks and hyperstimulation. It'...
What are the emotional triggers for empaths to watch for? Ultra-motivated, but exhausted workers are more common than you think—here’s what to do about it What is mental load? Recognize the burden of invisible labor Mental health days: What, when and why you shouldn’t hesitate to take...
from heartburn, avoid carbonated drinks,caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, mustard, vinegar, mint products, and processed meats. Foods that are fatty, spicy, fried, or highly seasoned may also upset your stomach. Chewing gum after eating can help neutralize your stomach ...
Emotional upset Inability to calm yourself down Knot in the stomach, tight stomach Panicky feeling Pounding, racing heart Butterflies in the stomach Sudden urge to go to the bathroom (urinate, defecate) Vomiting Feel like crying This list of symptoms is not exhaustive. Anxiety attacks can be expe...